Kezzerbird...I am fine (honest)

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Well guys what can I say, I am blown away with all the messages and support from you so thank you for that. Well even though it has only been a few days since Kev went, I feel so much more relaxed and I certainly feel happier than I was, I can breathe again and I am begining to eat a little better and I haven't been sick, my colour is back and I have a twinkle in my eye (Oh look out world the real Bird is back!!) So this is just to say the I am fine and that is the truth, I can't sit here and cry, I have nothing to cry about. So once again, thank you all, I would be lost without my Mac mates....Love and hugs to those who want them...Carol xxxxxx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    Well done Carol, you are one strong bird.  Glad you're feeling a little better - who knows maybe all the stress of dealing with a troubled relationship was adding to your healing, so go girl and get healed and I look forward to your next blog where you are back on form girl.  Love n hugs, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    not much i can add to all those comments is there? now get the hob nail boots and and get back to kicking CANCERS A*S*.... you can do it mate you know you can......i`ll be seeing you in june, and thats not a request!!!! :0) xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Lock up 'yer sons, the bird is back !!!!!

    Love Bill xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    hi Carol. I was wondering, well it might seen a bit trite after all the heartache & chemo you've beengoing through, but you know that book you were thinking of writing(are writing for all I know) - did you make some headway? I was curious too as one of our lot in thyroid is planning a sort of 'reports from the front line' book and would I think really welcome some thoughts from fellow Mac supporters. Well looks like you were having a good bummer of a time anyway. ~ yours, Oliver.