to motivate yourself in the morning!!!!

1 minute read time.

The bird has some tips for getting motivated in the morning when you feel tired!! ( You know this won't be sensible, don't you!!!) Example......this morning in the mad house..... Fell out of bed knowing it is chemo  27 day to day, ohhhhh lovely!!!!! Made my way to the kitchen and the kettle for a large bucket of tea, did that wake me up NO, next step TV on followed by tablets, Judge Judy , did that wake me up NO. Expecting hospital car to pick me up at 10, then checked my appointment card which said 13.40 for chemo, phoned hospital to check time and if bloods were ok and to then cancel car and re book for later time, did that work, UM eyeballs open and brain starting to function!!!!! Next breakfast and Jeremy Kyle, did that wake me up OH YES!!!! I am now fully movitaved to face the day after watch a bunch of morons moaning about sod all, where do they get these people from, Oh please!!! So these are my tips for facing the day.........shouting a the TV...wellit works for me!!!!...Love and hugs to those who want them...Carol xx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    I don't know about getting motivated, but I always find prunes gets me moving in the morning lol.

    Have a good weekend.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    But omg how addicitive is Jeremy Kyle. Sometimes i just mean to flick it on and then the subject catches your eye and thats it for the next  hour. LOL

    Take care love Kaz x

  • FormerMember

    Oh Carol, how can you watch Jeremy Vile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Do they put grease in the people's hair before they go on I wonder........and they probably arrive better dressed surely!  only to have the 'make under' team find some dirty trackies etc for them to change into..........eurghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    If I have to watch daytime tv then I watch the Wright Stuff (my hubby detests Matthew).

    Just glad to see you posting on here mate........upwards & onwards as Indie would say.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Things that make me shout at the TV...

    1. Announcers talking over the end of programmes.

    2. Jeremy Kyle .

    3. Watching Arsenal play (words fail me!)

    4. Politicians (all of them!)

    5. Putting on about 10 episodes of the same show, one after the other.

      We all feel better after a rant and I'm so glad you are sounding like your old self.

        Take care and feel well,

           Love and hugs,

              lizzie xx