Kezzerbird....home thoughts from her kitchen!!!!!

1 minute read time.

I managed to get some things done yesterday, which was good but couldn't face the Vindaloo or the Brandy, so off to bed I went armed with a bucket of green tea and my Band of Brothers DVDs. This morning I woke at 6.30 and quietly went to the bathroom (Didn't want to wake the other half or the dog, they sleep in a different room to me, because they both snore and fart all night, I can't cope with that guys!!!!!) I was feeling quiet light on my feet and thought 'Oh I must be getting better', then I looked down and saw that Henry, my stoma bag was blown up like a balloon and I was ready to float away!!!!! ( I am so good at sharing these wonderful facts with my friends on here!) So after having a wash and cleaning my teeth, I floated back to my room to deflate myself, then it was time to decide what hair I would ware today, um blonde me thinks, I got myself dressed and went downstairs to put the kettle on and took my chemo tablet, yuk, I would rather have a piece of toast for breakfast! I am now thinking about what I shall do today, the sun is trying to come out here in windy Cornwall, I know I have to check to see if the bags of mint and camphor oil has stopped the mice from getting in my greenhouse and eating my seedling, bloody things and have to check my veg are still growing well and that the slugs haven't been having a feast, mind you I have loads of frogs and toads in my garden, they should be having a feast on the veggie munchers for me, so no slug pellets to be found in my garden! Right there is movement from lumpy aka Kev aka my wig stand, so I had better go a make him a coffee and let Floyd and Buster out (my two blue and gold macaws) so that they can continue to eat the rest of the tongue and groove I had in the bird room!!!! Love and hugs to all that want them as always....Carol the slightly mad Kezzerbird xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    hey carol ,you always make me smile :) your sense of humor is priceless, love and hugs jenni xxx

  • FormerMember

    Henry my stoma is named after a customer who goes to the nightclub where I am head door ole girlie person. WHY well his is called Henry and he is full of s**t too. Take a way Vindaloo WHAT !!!!!!LOL I make my own. OH NO DREW IS TALKING VESTS AGAIN

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, thanks for the smiles, went to cornwall today with grandsons sat on beach at talland bay wrapped in a blanket, but they loved it, was so cold.

    Hey hey summers nearly here.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Great to see you are back to your old self Humour wise.

    Hope your treatment is going well. and Monty and the birds are behaving. Take care and keep safe Jackie and Mrs S.xx

  • FormerMember

    carol....huge hugs from me n mary, the two doggys and the 7 cats....

    you sooo have a great attitude to life...

    as patients we either laugh or we cry dont we carol and like you i sure as hell aint gonna sit and cry...

    well only when my footy team got relegated !!

    hugs to sarsfield...and everyone else...