Kezzerbird..finally sorted out

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Kev is gone and I had no choice, almost 12 years gone and the reason is I GOT CANCER. I feel sad for the man I knew and loved who disapeared when the C word was mentioned but I know he is gone, I never asked for any of this, we don't , do we guys but my energy must go into me and fighting this cancer and enjoy my life what is left of it. I hope Kev can sort himself out and find someone who he can be happy with. So today is a new start for the kick arse Kezzerbird. I will be offf line for awhile soon because Kev pays for the phone and internet but I will be back soon as and hugs to all that want them as always...Carol xx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember


    it seems this is the time for things like this to happen.

    me and my boyfriend of 4 years split up last night, as we couldnt get back what we had before i was diagnosed, even though i got into remission, i think its all finally caught up and the constant arguing got us both down.

    sending you lots of ((((hugs)))) you are a fighter and its time for YOU now, to get out there and do all the things you want to do... i look forwards to reading more about the things you do..

    love emz xxx

  • FormerMember

    So sorry Carol, a tough decision to make and to act on, but right, you are the one that is important, sending love and hugs.

    Joanne x

  • FormerMember

    The world moves on so do people . I am sure you will ajust to your new situation and show the same grit as you have shown before go for it girl , you can do it

    Love jonnie5

  • FormerMember

    hi Carol

    you know im a great believer if something aint working dont bother trying to fix it sorry but you are the one who is fighting this and if there was no support then hes a very sad person you are the strong one and he should be thoroughly ashamed of himself you have done the right thing yes its nice to have someone but ive always said id rather be on my own than to live a lie go girl you can do it you have your family around you and loads of love you inspired me when i was first diagnosed and gave me the support i so needed you are amazing stay strong and yes we are living with cancer not dying from it girl we are all here for you if you need anything message me i will do whatever i can to help you loads of love stay strong jen xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    This  disease changes everybody it touches.Iam sorry your relationship was another casualty. All good thoughts to you and yours....Fran