Kezzerbird...Ding Ding round two!!!!!

1 minute read time.

Well all my wonderful friends in Mac land.....the news is that the cancer is back, not unexpected mind you (see Debs it wasn't down to me being a crap rider!!!!)

How do I feel....bloody relieved that's what. The cancer as been laying dormant in my stomach and has started to grow again and also there are some more tumors in the same area, luckily there is no sign of any fluid so the little buggers can't spread, my lymph nodes are all fine and there is no sign of any cancers else where. I see my onc on Monday and we are going to sort out chemo again, I am not going to complain about it because I have no choice, so it is round two, sleeves rolled up and let the battle begin, I AM READY! I shall have to leave work again which will upset me seeing as it took me 18 months to get back there, but once again my bosses have said my job will be still waiting for me, no matter what. It did it once and I shall do it again. See my glass is still half full and not half empty, on wards and upwards. I still stand by the words written on my butt...CANCER CAN KISS MY and hugs to those that want them...Carol x 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol

    Sorry to hear your news but if anyone can beat this bastard, then you can.

    Wishing you all the very best



  • FormerMember

    LMAO Carol, can't wait to see a pic of 'that' tattoo!!!!  

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    I'm so sorry to hear the little bugger didn't heed your warning & is trying for another go at Kezzerworld domination but it might be cos it couldn't read the tattoo on your butt as you were sitting on that horse for so long!!!

    Might I suggest another tattoo, this time on your tummy saying 'Cancer can't stomach me' rather than 'I can't stomach cancer'!

    And seeing as your corner is now well & truly full of all your Mac friends can I start up your cheerleading team 'Kezzer's Indestructables'! That should frighten off the bugger for good!

    All my thoughts & prayers are with you - you're such an inspiration to us all and we know you can win round 2 with your grit & determination.

    Lots of love Angie xxx

  • FormerMember

    "If your not on the list then you can't come in!!!!!!!!! " You will kick this blighter into touch and we will help you. Stay strong Carol as I know you will. Love Julie xxxxxxxxxxx    

  • FormerMember

    OMG Carol, what a team of cheerleaders you have......can you picture us? LOL

    The old big C won't know what's hit it, what with your tag team, the cheerleaders and doesn't stand a bliddy chance!!!

    Go Carol

    Angela xxxxxx