Kezzerbird...Ding Ding round two!!!!!

1 minute read time.

Well all my wonderful friends in Mac land.....the news is that the cancer is back, not unexpected mind you (see Debs it wasn't down to me being a crap rider!!!!)

How do I feel....bloody relieved that's what. The cancer as been laying dormant in my stomach and has started to grow again and also there are some more tumors in the same area, luckily there is no sign of any fluid so the little buggers can't spread, my lymph nodes are all fine and there is no sign of any cancers else where. I see my onc on Monday and we are going to sort out chemo again, I am not going to complain about it because I have no choice, so it is round two, sleeves rolled up and let the battle begin, I AM READY! I shall have to leave work again which will upset me seeing as it took me 18 months to get back there, but once again my bosses have said my job will be still waiting for me, no matter what. It did it once and I shall do it again. See my glass is still half full and not half empty, on wards and upwards. I still stand by the words written on my butt...CANCER CAN KISS MY and hugs to those that want them...Carol x 

  • FormerMember

    I can and will sort this out because I have some of the most fantastic friends there guys xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Im sorry its back too Carol ((hugs)) but you have such an incredible inner strength that once you start your treatment and fighting , the b@***** wont know whats hit it!!!

    You have so many friends here supporting you and sending you strength :)

    take care

    love scarlet xxxxxx

  • Hi Carol

    So sorry to hear your news. As you said you had a feeling that it was back.

    Cancer has no chance with you. My money is on you in any fight.

    Best of luck on Monday.

    Lots of love

    Sue xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Carol my 'andsome, what can I say, we have become friends, and you have been an inspiration to me and all others on the journey. We are all here with you, keep up the good fight, don't let the bu**er get you down.

    Best Wishes,

    Tony xxx

  • FormerMember

    Question for you Kezzer .... I'd put money on you making this next episode "kiss your arse" too, so, bearing in mind this little bu**er didn't read the sign .... what are you going to have tattooed on the other cheek at the end of this to make sure it understands the message??

    Hears hoping the chemo does its job well and with minimum effects on the good bits.


    Bad Fairy xx