Kezzerbird....chemo 18 here we come!!!!!!

Less than one minute read time.

First of all guys I would like to say thanks to all for the messages of good luck for today. Well in a few hours I shall be back in that bloody hospital and having chemo number 18, Caeylx this time and luckily it only takes a hour which for me is great, all the others took 6 to 10 hours to administer (I had roots growing out my bum with the others!!!!!) Am I aprehensive about this lot....well yes I am to be honest, but only for the reason I don't want to be to ill to go to the Leicester Fiesta to meet up the best friends I have ever had, which is some of you guys at the end of this month BUT I shall be there no matter what, I am not missing that for anything. Bloody cancer!!!!!! Right my lovelies I had better have another bucket of tea and get my things sorted out and wait for the hospital transport to come and get me (Oh Joy!!!!) So love and hugs to those that want them as usual.....Carol  The I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it KEZZERBIRD xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Yo Carol....Hope every thing went well with the chemo....and your not feelin to and hugs to make you feel better...
