Kezzerbird and the Vindaloo!!

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Well I done it again!!! My poor Mac nurse Mike is getting grief from me again. At the first sign of morphine or chemo, my stoma comes to a grinding halt (not good) I have tabs to help but me being me, decided to cook myself a red hot Vindaloo curry, made with chicken, peppers, red onions and leeks UMPH! Mike asked me if I had eaten anything, like a nice plain biscuit  (yuk) so I told him about my curry and he just laughed at me and shook his head in total despair.......well I am please to announce that my curry worked and I shall inform Mike tomorrow when he rings me!!!!!! I love going against the grain!!! Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Is that what they mean by alternative therapy??

    Seriously, if it works for you, then why not? Glad it did the trick.

    Jacqui x

  • FormerMember

    lol, :)) , you always make me laugh xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Sorry ... got to ask Carol ...... (please don't beat me!) ..... if people normally get "Vindaloo Bum" after a vindaloo, do you get "Vindaloo Stoma" instead?? Hot, hot, hot!

    Glad it did the trick and I hope you don't need too many more over the coming weeks/months, at least not for medical reasons anyway.

    Bad Fairy xx

  • FormerMember

    PMSL Carol, make sure you don't melt the bag!!

    I never have that "bunged up" feeling as i have permanent D:(

    Am going out tonight with ex-work colleagues for a curry & beer or two.

    I actually find that curries control pain (i've read it's to do with ingredients).

    I'll be singing that song "In Da Loo, In Da Loo" next time i read your posting :)  

  • FormerMember

    HI carol,my mum has a stoma 2,dont know if she could handle the vindaloo,but its a good tip for next time shes bunged up,lol. but saying that she seems to have someone thing against my lasagne cos it fairly flows when she eats that!! must be the garlic!(vampires beware!!)good luck today with scan and chemo,hope all goes well,mum is due a scan soon ,if they remember to make her appointment that is!got secondry stomach cancer(2 wee tumours)but she is coping well with stoma,so alls well at the mo.take care to all, luv margo1971