Kezzerbird and the Party

1 minute read time.


Well it is official I am now a member of 'The mere baby club' and what a party my bosses gave me WOW.

They had a cake made for me, I am fondly known has the Doorbitch and the belt I ware has Bitch on it, hence what is on the cake!


Balloons appeared and Champaign and they all sang Happy Birthday to me and the tears started to fall, the emotions were running high, they all remember what state I was in 12 months before. On my 49th birthday I had just received my 10th a final chemos and was pale, thin and very ill, not knowing if the new regime of chemos had worked (the first four didn't). So to be lucky enough to be enjoying my 50th birthday with my friends was out of this world

My mate Mandy lost her good friend who died just before her 50th birthday last year told me then that she wanted to come to my 50th, no matter what, she couldn't loose another mate.

This is me and one of my bouncers Steve, he is a diamond, we danced the night away, he was delighted when I came back to work last October, we look after each other.

We went outside and had snowball fights, it was great. I shall not forget my 50th, that is for sure and the wonderful friends there and how important they all are to me, including my bosses, who are also friends. I am so very lucky and I know it, I am living on borrowed time but so far I am thankful for what I have been given........remember this Friday and the tattoo on my bum (ouch!) and hugs to those that want them....the crazy Kezzerbird (minus a hangover!!)






  • FormerMember

    Thank you. I have some amazing friends, I am very lucky and I also have you guys and you are all very important to me too...xx

  • FormerMember

    Cherrly......................go and lie down with a cold flannel on your head woman.....Steve is MINE!!!!!!!!lol. Never give up you guys, no matter what, I am right there fighting along side you and that is all of you....I am not a bouncer for no good reason you know!!!!! x

  • FormerMember

    Happy Birthday, Carol! You're obviously avery special lady!

    I'd have to stay drunk to go for that tattoo, though!

    love and all the best


  • FormerMember

    CHERRYL, no from now on I shall call you CHERRLY, I still have chemo brain or I am just plain stupid or it could be old age.......ah lets go for all three!!!!! why not, if I am having a tattoo on my arse and posting a picture of it on here, I can't be all there!!!!!!

  • FormerMember

    You're bonkers Carlo!