Kezzerbird and some of her boys 2

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This is a piture of the best shot of me and my doorcrew, I hope no one takes offense, this made me smile, for those who don't know and can't see the tattoo on my bum it reads 'Cancer can kiss my arse' and it can!!!!!! I love life and laughter and can live a good life even knowing my time is limited, I make the most of every day and these guys, my doorcrew are an important part of my Carol xx  The cheeky Kezzerbird

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    Does the gaffer know that you arse around at work? Stop leading them astray, Those poor innocent lads. Corrupted for life! I can tell they have had a very shlyered childhood like what I have.

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    what a great bunch of blokes, no wonder you can't wait to get back to work!! xxx

  • FormerMember

    bottoms up Kezzer love and huuuuggggs elgee

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caro. I was wondering, well it might seem a bit trite after all the heartache & chemo you've been going through, but you know that book you were thinking of wriing(are writing for all I know) -did you make some headway? I was curious too as one our lot in thyroids is planning a sort of 'reports from the front line' book and wouldI think really welcome some thoughts(chapters)  from fellow Mac supporters.

    Well get in touch if you see this, and glad yr keeping your tail up. Yours Oliver.