Kezzerbird...a good weekend

1 minute read time.

Even though my pain seems to be increasing, the tiredness is decreasing so the Bird deciced to go clubbing last night and see my door crew, I had a great night being cuddled by my mates and the customers. My bosses rought me a little pressi which was nice

It is a Tigger cake, I love Tigger, my friends kids always called me Tigger because I bounce when I walk and of course me being a bouncer and being the ' onlyest one' it is very apt !!!!!!!! I got home at 5 this morning and felt great. Then my son Karl, his better half Benneath and my two grandsons turned up

Kai aged 6 The Kezzer with wig and Adam who is 7 tomorrow (These two little people are part of the reason I fight so hard), the boys wanted to put Grannys wigs on and their Dad had to also

Karl and Benneath then came and took me to the cinema to see Shrek 4 which I enjoyed, what a great weekend and guys that is why 'Cancer can kiss my arse' Laughter and making memories are the one thing it can't take away. Good night my wonderful friends out there in MacLand. Love and hugs to those who want them....Love a happy a contented Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, What a lovely family you have.Bet it did you good going clubbing, seeeing your friends,always gives us a lift. Love the cake.

    Best wishes Sue xxx

  • Carol such wonderful photo's and lovely memories for you all.

    keep it up and keep fighting

    Love mavis

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol Great photos, it is good to see you enjoying yourself keep fighting

    Love Teri

  • Compaints - I tried to send you a pm with my contact details but I dunno how.  The main points are always take someone to consultations with you - a witness - and when you write the letter do a short one saying you enclose details of your complaints and list them in order.

    Please let me know how I can help.  I'm hoping you're feeling OK reading this,



  • FormerMember

    wow i thought i did well the weekend - we had friends over to eat and had a great evening (my dad was over from england too at 80 yrs young he still likes a good laugh!!), BUT clubbing till 5am, good for you . Your family must be really proud of you. my first grandchild is due in october!!!! i'm very excited - it's certainly given me an extra boost, your grand kids look real cool in your wig lol. The bike is expected to be ready for next week, whether i will be????  i hope so. take care carol lots of hugs and xxxxxx