Blimey....don't things change

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Well after reading Skippers blog, I now know I too suffer from A.R.I.D.S and I am a tree (lava-tree). 

I worked last night on the door, it is my third night back after 18 months of with the dreaded C and just trying to reclaim some normality seeing has I am living on borrowed time.

Why do people change so much, why say one thing and do another, it gets right up my nose. My job is a combination of many jobs rolled into one..... a Councillor, carer, fighter, mediator plus many more and it is what I love to do and have fought so hard to get back too, so why are some of the door crew feeling threatened by my return and acting like a bunch of scared little girls. I have just had the hardest fight of all, the one for my life and I now have to deal with petty, bitchy crap. Oh give me a break. We all go through hell and back uh guys while others  moans and whine about sod all. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh it's so good to be back!!!! love carol x 

  • FormerMember

    Maybe they feel threatened cos you are so good at your job?

    Maybe they don't know what to say and this comes over as being scared little girls??

    Not sticking up for them mate........whatever their problem is, its not YOURS.....keep on doing what you love......your job!!!

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol they shouldn't be frightened of you they should be in awe of your strength and determination to gain your life back , maybe they are. Some of the young uns today might never have the qualities we have gained on our journey through life. Their world is differnet to ours. God willing they will never have to find out if they are as strong as you. As Debs said it is not your problem. Keep up the good work and Carol you look great in your uniform. Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    I havent worked for 18 months and my job is being kept open for me. Some of the workmates I bump into are really nice and lift my spirits, others look at me as if I'm a ghost. They just dont know what to say to me. Thats their problem, not mine. Our journeys have made us all stronger, we dont give a s**t about the niggly trivial little arguments some people have, we have seen the bigger picture, the REAL picture, warts 'an all. Give 'em time, they may learn something from your determination.

    If not, then TOUGH !!!

    Love Bill xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, sorry they are being so pathetic, its there problem not yours. You sound like you are very good at your job and i guess they were thinking you wouldnt be after such a struggle with the cancer. Maybe its confused them? Either way, their issue.

    take care

    anna x

  • FormerMember

    Grr isnt it annoying!! Just give them some time and your straight forward no nonsense attitude will see it pass and as has already been so wisely said - we do have the knowledge of having seen the 'bigger picture' - use that to guide you through. Good luck I ma sure though you will sort em out sharpish!! Love Jools xx