An update from the Kezzerbird

2 minute read time.

Hello my lovelies.......................Yesterday was another 3 month check up with my consultant and this time I got to see my mad oncologist who I haven't seen for 6 months.........his face said it all when he clapped eyes on me, the biggest grin, I think I've ever seen. He just stood there in front of me and said "You look fantastic" my reply was "I know...I was born this way!" he went a got his other two partners in crime (my surgeons) and they stood there slapping each other and going on about who did the best work on me!!

I had to remind them that who did what to me and jokingly said You turned me into a bag lady (stoma), you gutted me like a fish and you poisoned me so well I almost died................I also may have had a little some thing to do with the results too. They all laughed and my oncologist said "Oh yes, just a bit, your fighting spirit and giving us grief (Oh yes, I gave em hell!)

They never expected me to pull through so I suppose they deserve to be chuffed with themselves. It was just so funny seeing these consultants behaving like a bunch of school boys and showing it, mind you they are all stark raving mad, well with me anyway, I tend to bring out the worst in people!!

My surgeons left the room and left me with the mad Cornish oncologist who got serious for a moment, after examining me ask me about reversing my stoma, to which i said no, because there is a good chance I still have cancer cells in me and while they are sleeping, no one is going in there and waking the buggers up, he agreed. He reminded me of what they had to do and how tough they where on me but they all felt I was strong enough to take it, then back came the grin on his face and he said he doesn't want to see me now until April. The next thing he said was "Right woman, you have out stayed your welcome" and shut the door on me. I could hear the git laughing down the corridor. You may think that was a bit rude of him, but that is the kind of relationship we have, a lot of banter and laughter. I love it and so does he. Love and hugs to those that want them.................Carol x

  • FormerMember


    What a fabulous update!  Couldn't be more pleased for you.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Fantastic Carol. How lovely to have such a good relationship with your consultants. Most of mine are very nice but one has no personality at all. Wouldn't like to attempt an amusing conversation with him. Enjoy your free time until April and have a superb Christmas.

    Angela xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Amazing news, I am so ple ased for you. Terrific news and so glad you have boosted your team's morale. God knows they need it at times. And what a boost for what nowers. If the Kezzerbird can we all can! Enjoy it babe - you've earnt it.

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    sounds like my kinda guy kez.... bet you were grinning all the way home....... its good to make your onc laugh... you know your doing well then, he he he

    liz xx

  • FormerMember

    Great news Carol, another battle won!!!

    Love Bill xxxx