The Elephant in the Room?

1 minute read time.

In November of 2009 I had sciatica... or what I assumed was sciatica. I had a moan to my G.P. who (par for the course) did not examine me but prescribed Co-codamil and Naproxen. Her advice (ha ha) was, "Nothing I can do for you - go to a physio or something". Yeah... great...

Fast-forward to January 2010 and pain in leg/bum has moved to small of my back and, bearing GP's words in mind, I find a private physio. Physio poked and prodded and she starts torturing me... and I start doing exercises. I am a good and obedient patient but it still bl**dy hurts.  I have days when I am in tears... I have days when I really don't want to get out of bed.

Fast forward to February 2010 - second annual post-surgery mammogram (hurts like hell because of broken skin) followed by chat with oncologist. Results of mammogram okay. (Hurrah) I mention persistent back pain... he does a double-take. I am booked for a bone scan on 10th March... another chat with oncologist on 18th March.

Meantime... I continue to exercises given to me by Physio. I sincerely hope this is 'old age'.... 'wear and tear'... but once cancer has entered your life you look at things differently.

My back problem annoys me... frustrates me... I can only hope the b*gger hasn't got something else in mind!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate - I'll be hoping that it's nothing sinister too.

    I have pain in my shoulder sometimes - get myself in a state thinking its mets in lung - but no, lungs are fine, goodness knows where that pain comes from.

    But always best to get everything checked, will be watching for your blogs, love Jeanie xx

  • Thank you all for your words of encouragement. My physio does know about my medical history and my bone scan. My GP will have the benefit of my opinion at some future date! (When I feel stronger both physically and mentally lol!)

    You are a brilliant bunch!


  • FormerMember

    Big hugs to you Kate, you are right abou those bloomin cancer they like to throw a party in our heads at any opportunity.  We try to shut them out, change the locks (perhaps organise a bouncer like Kezzer would be best lol) but still they find an open window to get in.

    No point saying don't worry - cos we all do anyway.  Just suffice to say, am thinking of you and hoping its cos "you is getting old innit".

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    awww kate.... i hope it is just common or garden back pain.... but its better to get it checked isnt it?.. fingers and toes crossed for good results for you....

    liz xxx

  • FormerMember

    Blimey what a journey, good for you for keeping keeping on.  I wish I was this positive. You are an ispiration.  Sending positive waves. Vie X