Prevention of insect bites after lymph node removal

1 minute read time.
GOOD NEWS - There is an alternative to normal spray or wipe on insect repellents. I had 18 out of 20 lymph nodes removed from under my arm after breast cancer surgery and the medics were/are emphasizing the need for extra care needed for my skin in the upper left quadrant of my body because of the risk of infection. I have been especially careful about avoiding insect bites because midges, especially, by-pass several hundred people before they hone in on me! I regularly walk in wooded areas and near ponds so I don't step out of the door without slapping on insect repellents. Now, I don't know why they call it INSECT repellents because it generally smells so foul it is quite efficient at keeping people at bay too. But - GOOD NEWS, I don't know how new these things are, I've certainly not seen them before, but I recently came across wrist bands that claim to act as insect repellents for 7 hours a day for two weeks. I have used them for several days and so far so good. I have only seen them for sale in my local supermarket (with all the travel gadgets) but I'm sure they must market them elsewhere. So, if you need extra protection - there is an alternative to smelling like an extra sour lemon. KateG
  • FormerMember

    I'll look out for those as I too seem to be delicious to mozzies, and my lymphatic system is just a superhighway for my cancer mets.  We are having the Does-Marmite-help-repel-them? discussion with friends at the moment.  Do you happen to know what chemicals are impregnated in the wrist bands?  I used to slap on a German insect repellant as I got eaten alive at night out there in the summer, but then I read in "Stern" that it can cause neurological damage to us!  xxx Penny

  • FormerMember

    Hello - just wanted to say vitamin B supplements can also deter insect bites - it makes us smell unpleasant to insects! I used this as the ONLY means of deterrant in 2005 in Spain - me and my daughters were bite free for the entire holiday - however my sister in law and neice were bitten to death! I hasten to add you need to take them for 30 days prior to travel and to continue to take them during your holiday! Incidently I should say - normally I am eaten alive literally by mosquitoes - I really think it does work. Jools x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Jools for the scientific reasoning!  I'd better get eating it this minute and start remembering to take my Multivitamin tablets.  Do you know which particular B sub-vitamin it is that repels them, or just the Bs in general?  It must be genetic as well, as my father could have a swarm dancing round the car just waiting for him to open the door, whereas my Mum is ignored by them.  She has a different blood group.  xxx Penny

  • FormerMember

    I've been taking B complex every day for the past 20 odd years - not to mention being a marmite fanatic.  And every single *** mosquito/midge/flying ant/anything with teeth in Berkshire, or wherever else I set foot, still comes directly over and sinks its teeth in!  I'm beginning to think there really isn't an effective repellent other than burning citronella candles - and it's not easy to walk around with those!

  • FormerMember

    I've just remembered - I have a little electronic gadget [about the size of a cigarette lighter] which emits a high pitched noise inaudible to us.  This seems to work [or would do if I hadn't lost it ... ]  I bought it at a camping shop and had a bite free summer - must try to get another