Esophegal Cancer - life post-op

1 minute read time.
Hey My name is Julie and we are in shock!! My husband David is a fit, healthy, 49 year old soldier, who was posted to beautiful Bavaria last year with the British Army. In March, he was ski touring (tabbing up a mountain then skiing down) and realised that he should not be quite that knackered!!! He has always exercised and realised that being sooo tired could not just down to his age. Anway, he went to our wonderful German doctor who did tests to find out he was anaemic. 2 iron iffusions later, he was still losing iron regularly, an edoscopy followed 2-weeks ago, just on the off-chance they might find an ulcer or something. They found a tumour. Biopsy and all the other tests showed us it is T3 stage Barretts Adenocarcinoma. David is having an esophogectomy next Wed 1st July (they suggested operating on Monday 29th but that is his 50th birthday!!... I think not). In Germany, the operation comes first, then chemo/radiotherapy if required afterwards (I know the UK tends to do chemo/radio first followed by the op). We have every faith in our surgeon and are really trying to think positively about the future (although we are thinking about cancer 24/7 we are trying so hard not to!). We know it is vital to approach his op with a CAN DO approach and we will. David is not scared of his op, he is scared for his quality of life after his op. He loves the outdoors, motorcyling, hiking, climbing mountains - anything that involves activity with his family and friends(he also loves food!). He has the strength to get through his op and his cancer and face up to what the future brings - but he does not know of the physical possibilities and limits that this procedure will bring. Please, can anyone who has experienced an esophogectomy or who has a loved one who has had this operation, share your experiences with us? We need to be prepared for the future and have realistic expectations for post-op physical fitness. Thank you, any advice/experiences would be sooooo very helpful - Julie xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie

    I'm glad my blog was useful I hope I didn't overload you with information.  Nothing wrong with giving it a name perfectly natural.

    Take care both of you and just think it won't be long till 'Clifford' is gone.

    Lorraine xx

  • FormerMember

    Nearly forgot wish David a happy 50th. I'm sure he had a great day and got spoilt rotten.  L x