Wonderful Phone Call

Less than one minute read time.

I received a wonderful phone call at 11-0am today from my oncologist. He rang to tell me that my PET scan was clear and that my liver did not take up any of the sugar used in the scan. So it is a cyst afterall and no other hot spots.

He is still referring my scans to a liver specialist to look at. He said that he is probably being over cautious but after the misdiagnosis originally he wanted to be absolutely sure.

He also said that the liver consultant will probably not want to see me or he may want to perform another different kind of scan that only he doe's in our area or he may not.

So as far as he is concerned I am tumour free.

OMG I am still reeling from his call. I am in a different kind of shock.

I have a nice ice cold bottle of Moet to drink tonight to celebrate.

Thankyou all so very much for your support. I was feeling so negative and terrified. You all helped me tremendously. Thankyou thankyou thankyou.

I love you all.  Julie XXXXXXX
