Overwhelming saddness

2 minute read time.

I have to get this off my chest, hoping it will help me. I have been on here for some time now and have always felt positive. All through my treatment I have remained well and have amazed people with how I look and act. This past month I have found that I have plummeted into the depths of dispair and each morning I wake up I feel an overwhelming saddness envelope me.

Let me tell you my story and hopefully by writing it down I may feel better.

My nightmare began in April 2002 when my darling husband was diagnosed with mesothelioma. We lived each day of the next 4 years making memories and as if it were our last until eventually in March 2006 my darling lost his battle.

We had had an amazing loving happy marriage and I still miss him today.

In April 2008 I began to have rectal bleeding. I was referred to the Colorectal clinic where I had all the tests and was told that I was clear.

In October 2008 I found a lump and thought it was a prolapse. I was referred to the gynaecological clinic where they told me it was my bowel wall poking through and that it would be repaired along with my bladder if tests on my bladder proved that it was disfunctioning.

I had the tests in April 2009 and my bladder was fine. Nothing was said about my lump.

In May 2009 I was referred back to the Colorectal clinic because of more rectal bleeding. I was told it was Haemarroids and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The first was banded with a rubber band and I was told that the second would right itself eventually. I was told to go away and come back in 6 weeks.

8 weeks later on Thursday 2nd July I saw the registrar at the hospital who again said that it was IBS and that the pain would get better.

By then I was in horrific pain and just needed to get home to my bed.

On Sunday 5th July my bowel burst and I had to have an emergency operation to remove a very large tumour and 2 lymph nodes. I also needed a temporary colostomy.

After 3 months I started a 6 month course of chemotherapy, my experience with chemo wasn't as bad as I know some people have had. I got through it with minimal side affects and at least I didn't lose my hair.

I am now awaiting for an operation to reverse my colostomy.

So I am at the end of my journey and battle with cancer.

I have been very very lucky.

So why do I feel so very very sad?

I should be shouting from the rooftops that I survived.

I should be looking forward to a happy healthy future but I can't.

Am I normal, is it normal to feel as I do?

Love to everyone on here and please don't think bad of me for feeling so ungrateful. Love Julie xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie, I went through this also.  I think when you are having treatment you are seeing medical staff regularly and feel safe, but suddenly you are on your own. It is very scary, but the feeling will fade.

    Another milestone for me was when I approached five years since diagnosis.  As you know the medical team talk in terms of five year survival rates.  I thought if I passed this timescale everything would be fine, but the opposite was true.  I began to think I've had my five years so what now? I was getting really depressed and mentioned it to my GP who told me that every cancer patient she had ever met said the exact same thing to her.  I have a couple of friends diagnosed at the same time as me and they too went through the exact same thing.

    Your emotional state will improve.  Just remember you are not alone in this.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie, I haven't been in your situation so can't comment from personal experience.

    It does seem to me that what everyone else has said makes sense though. You've dealt with an awful lot over the past few years and reaching the end of treatment must make you feel slightly cast adrift.

    I'm sure you will start to feel more like your old self given some time to adjust and accept what you've been through.

    Lots of love

    Bad Fairy xx

  • FormerMember

    Thankyou to everyone who has replied to me, I now feel that I am not alone with my feelings and that they are normal. I will ride them out and hopefully soon I will feel better. Love to you all Juliexx

  • FormerMember

    i have heard it is quite common to feel like you do... not through person experience, as i get quite excited at every little positive thing my onc tells me....we are all different, and we all have our own private hell to go through, so dont beat yoursef up over it ... im sure the euphoria will come ... when you feel its "safe" to celabrate....

    good luck.. and be happy

    liz xxx