Another Review........that came round quickly !

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Well, I can hardly believe that the last four months have past by so quickly as tomorrow it's back to The Christie for my check-up again. As per usual, my nerves are starting to jangle at the thought ......... especially as three years ago I was almost at the end of Radiotherapy and in a very bad state ( indeed, I was so bad that they admitted me to a ward for care ) So that will entail a rather quick and undignified scurry along the corridor to get past the Radiotherapy Suites as rapidly as possible. Suites ........ the name tends to imply something pleasant, but beware of the monster machines that lurk within all ready to dispense those deadly rays to the unwilling victims !

However, needs must that I go ....... albeit it not over-keen, but they have to check that the evil cancer is no longer. So I will try to look my best and smile nicely at the Consultant - and hope that he see fit to put my next appointments back to six monthly intervals. Fingers crossed !
