Round two for Liz

1 minute read time.

Hi Everyone

Yesterday we got the news we had been dreading,   yet expecting that my sister Liz G has another tumour .  She is taking it as she takes every aspect of her life,  on the nose and is  dealing with it in her own way. 

For those of you who know me and Liz from the old What Now site you will know the love and closeness we share and the past two years since she was given 3-4 months to live ,have been the hardest most emotional I have ever experienced with her and my family. 

 While I am writing this she has just texted me and the rest of my sisters to ask if we want our hair done tonight, she is a hairdresser and usually pampers us ever three weeks  (we meet every Tuesday for a girly get together five sisters and our Mum) and she posponed our hair last night while she dealt with the terrible blow she had been given, but true to form she has bounced back this morning. 

Liz will be starting chemotherapy again next week a course of taxotere, and her concern?? that she will be bald for our sisters wedding in July when she is the bridesmaid,   WHO CARES!!! as long as she is there  and isn't bald beautiful?? my husband thinks so lol!!

I know all of you who know Liz will join me in wishing her  luck for her second bout  of chemotherapy Liz we are right there with you and anything you need just say the word Love you sis xxx

PS : Liz now its my turn to say to you "Work through the pain" lol xxxPrivate joke folks but Liz knows what I mean xxx

  • FormerMember

    thanks sis....and thank you everone for your support...give squidgey a cuddle for me marsh, not sure when i can get back over to do that haircut for you marsh... have to see how this lot affects me first, carol.. lets do battle together... although your already on the front line... i have a wee bit of catching up to do.. normally, andrew and the lovely kate... thank you so much...  this site is still brilliant even though i liked the other one better but .... its the people that count...

    joan... pain?? what pain?? it doesnt exist

    love you

    liz xoxoxxo

  • FormerMember

    Hey Jo, Liz is lucky in that she has fantastic support from her family and friends, if she ever falters there will be a veritable army to hold her up.

    I looked up quotes today and found:

    Better a bald head

    than no head at all.

    Austin O'Malley

    Bald as the bare mountain tops are bald, with a baldness full of grandeur.

    Matthew Arnold

    Bald is the new black!

    Gail Porter

    Liz is beautiful full stop, her hair does not define her (but I know how she feels x).

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks everyone for your kind words debs thanks for the poem how true that is xx

  • FormerMember

    Can I join TEAM LIZ too please

    Love Chris xxx