Would you believe.

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Hi everyone. Im back from holiday,but would you believe. On new years eve when the clock reached midnight i said to every one. Well thank god 2008 is over, I hope that 2009 is better after 5 operations in that year. Next morning (new years day) hubby and i went surf casting on the beach where we were staying. A wasp landed on the bait board so hubby gave it i flick with his knife which happened to land on my arm and sting me. (felt like someone had stubbed a smoke out on it.) My arm puffed up so big and i went all wozzie that i ended up at the emergency department. and another sting was put in my arm, but this time was an injection. Dont know which was worse. So hows that for the start of 2009. But anyway every thing ended ok and we had a wonderful break.Lets hope that this is the end of my bad luck. Jill New Zealand
  • FormerMember

    Hi Jill

    Have finally found your blog. I can sympathise with you when it comes to stings of the bee/wasp kind. I have an allergy to both. What good news from ACC, about time they paid someone as it is so hard to claim medical mis-adventure. Time to get some of those taxes back....lol

    Take care
