moaning minnie here again!!!

1 minute read time.

hi everyone!!!

well here i am again guys i have since my last chemo turned into a complete moaning minnie because i have had the last ten days feeling like absolute crap!!! i do know that some of my friends on here have said that as you go through it every session you can have more severe symptoms well mine sure came from the depths and bit me right on my arse bigtime this last time to the point im so dreading no 4!!

now anyone who does know me knows im very partial to my food and YES ive been off my food..... felt hungry and couldnt eat even a quarter of it .....tastes like im eating the dregs of the black bin outside my front gate (not may i add have i ever eaten anything out of the bottom of my black bin) but you get my drift !!!!

did manage to eat half a pink grapefruit which seemed like heaven but apart from that have really tried to eat something with no avail!!!! oh and my daughter bought chips and curry sauce the other day which tasted like heaven well all 6 of them i managed to get down then as if by some trigger object in my brain down came the shutter to tell me im feeling queezy yet again!!!!

they havent invented tablets as far as i know that actually helps with this bloody sickness for me as yet so would the scientists get a bloody move on perhaps they could work a double shift just with me in mind bless them would be so grateful !!!!

anyway im cooking stew tonight for my lot it looks so lovely and im just hoping beyond hope i might manage a tiny plateful of it....... we will see oh and guess what i havent lost any weight well dont think i have damn it trust me eh ???!!!!

tomorrow is another day im hoping against hope i might jump (ye right) out of my bed full of the joys of spring...... if we ever get any ....and look forward to a hearty fry up bacon sausage tomatoes fried bread fried eggs beans n toast.....ahhhhh!!! bliss!!! wish me luck guys !!!!

everyone have a good weekend

love and hugs( moaning minnie) AKA jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hell - Getting worried  now - 6 piecies !! - how bloody thick was that stew - Mind if I pass on breakfast - not really up to 2 slices of egg first thing !! - lol

    love and hugs mate !

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    hi john

    i so surprised myself hun  but guess what now im squeemish again for goodness sake guess my stomach aint used to it now i so give up was really nice too oh well back to the drawing board might just try a boiled egg mashed up in a cup tomorrow by some luck i will manage that!!!

    love jenxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen,

             What rotten luck that the anti sickness tablets don't seem to be working. I have been lucky in that I have only had a metallic taste and that didn't last long! Baked beans and anything tomatoey (is that a word?) did the trick for me.

              Here's hoping that you get to have that fry up before long.

               Take care,

                  Love lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Morning Jen, hope you don't feel as crappy as yesterday - I can imagine you don't want another chemo after feeling like this.  But, if you don't, the journey you've done so far will all be undone and all that sicking will  have been for nothing.  So, No.4 must come.  I hope you tried some of your stew - even if you had the juice instead of the solids, at least you're still getting some goodness.  Maybe, I know its boring, try and eat bland things like a little scrambled egg for brekkie.  In any event, Jen, keep taking liquids to keep you hydrated.  This has got to be the nastiest disease to bash but then only the nastiest tasting medicine did the trick when we were all little.  I am thinking of you and, if thoughts were able to be received, you will receive strength, optimism and love.  Take care, Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Aww sorry about the sickness etc. but my experience was not that chemo got worse and worse but that it was unpredictable. No. 2 of my last lot was the worst but it got better after that. Hope yours does, but always remember you are fighting the disease, even if it feels awful.

    Love Jen xx