4th chemo over !!!!

1 minute read time.

hi everyone

 well 4th chemo done and im home again was so dreading it after being given a two week break and to be honest if i could have run miles away this morning i probably would have but i didnt because i know that it has to be done so off i went........... felt like a good cry as i sat getting the cannular in because i so didnt want to go through the side effects again after feeling 99% like me for a few weeks (was so lovely apart from a few niggly pains)

anyway im sitting here on my laptop desperately trying not to feel the pain in my arm and the funny sensation in my feet know that tomorrow i will be much worse feeling the cold in my legs and the cramps and numbness and my hands unable to tolerate even touching my door handles cos they are chrome and no sleep for the next few nights oh and of course the dreaded nausea which hopefully might pass me by this time please god !!!!

but you know im so lucky i moan yes and groan yes but there are others who are much worse and in more pain so im going to try and stay positive and be strong and get through this best i can and go about my normal day looking after my family cos thats what i do best!!!

i was thinking about pauline jan kim when i was in there who all were doing the exact same today and everyone else who was having ops and chemo and radiotherapy and wondering how everyone was feeling hopefully all well and wondering why us........ but we are special people we are fighters and will get through it because tomorrow is another day and the next and the next so chins up everyone ......if im up at 3 in the morning i will get on here and do another blog and if im not........ well woopeee what a wonderful nights sleep i will be having......... chemo is a b ......d but hope this b.....d helps us all.......... we can do it !!!!!

 take care everyone keep well and positive thoughts and thanks for all the support you have given me so appreciate it!!!!

love and hugs jen xxxxx
