1st blog ever

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My first blog ever! don't know what i'm doing really. What a learning curve this is!

  • FormerMember

    hi janbo...as the saying goes on here

    welcome to the club no one wants to join....

    but you`ll be glad you did.

    were all here for you....

    liz x

  • FormerMember

    Welcome to the club Jan, You can let off steam and say things here you feel you can't share with friends and family. It was a God sent to me. Love Linda p.s. a message for miss hope the results are in your mums favour let us know.  Love Linda

  • FormerMember

    Thanks so much everyone for your kind replies.  Can you believe i've only found them today, I thought replies would come up in messages, see what I mean, I really don't know what i'm doing.  Well i've just finished chemo and radio and am in a limbo stage waiting for surgery in about 8 weeks.  Alls going well though and feeling mostly up with a little bit of down!!