to Alley97

Less than one minute read time.


    Well thank you very much for your concern as you have quite a lot to be going on with your own problems, but as I can see this group really is working people with real problems are able to put them to one side and think of others I read your first post and found that your Cancer was spotted in much the same way as mine due to a lump in your neck, I hope that you your self are feeling much better and having as few problems as possible, well any way how are all my other friends well I hope I must admit that at the moment an until I have my Biopsy too make sure that nothing is wrong I am feeling a little down, and it is depressing me but that is something for me to deal with and not to off load on you all.

                               god bless all my love

                            Grandadbob14  (James)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Grandad I am sorry you are feeling down, you usually make me laugh but you are entitled to feel down, you have alot to face ahead of you. Will be thinking of you and praying that the biopsy is clear. Take Care Lots of Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Hi James good to hear from you. We are here to listen and for you to offload so anytime you feel the need to have a whinge carry on

    Gentle cyber hugs to you and yours....Fran

  • FormerMember

    Hi James, gosh, was that message meant for me,if so, Thank you,if not,Thank you anyway as you, Jonny & Nina have all been a great inspiration to me!

    I was taught by my Mother to always give back to anything good that you recieve in life,so I try to give support where I can on this site,just as you do James. I am keeping you in my prayers, you can off load anytime,you have been here for us,bless you!

    I am keeping well,a wee bit anxious at the moment as I have my 4 month review on Thursday and should get the results of my MRI Scan that I had taken in May!

    God Bless, big hugs, Alison.x

  • FormerMember

    Hi James,

    Thats where you are wrong on this site everybody,s problems are all our problems. Thats why we are here to help eachother out. So no excuses we are here for all.Welcome.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Sure aint that the truth Sarsfield(me old Mucks!)