bad today

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             to all my friends well how are you all feeling not to bad I hope I am having a lot of bad days now the thought of never eating is really playing on my mind every part or the day but mostly at meal times, my moods get very black which is no good to any one and makes for bad feeling in the house they say that they can understand but I dont think that you really can unless it is happening to you it has been over 2 years since I last ate anything and drinking is just as bad, I can not go out to the Pub for a drink because I cannot drink more than a few sips at a time over an hour other wise the fluid goes down my wind pipe and I cough and splutter and end up spitting dirty Phlegm into kitchen roll that I have to carry around with me all the time, still thats enough about me how are all my friends getting on I do hope that the BIG C has not left you with too many presents.

                               Bye for now

                 Grandadbob14 (James)

  • FormerMember

    I have no advice Grandad Bob but i just wanted to send you a big (((hug)))

    Take Care xxx

  • FormerMember

    I am not surprised you get black moods love, eatting and drinking is something we all take for granted. I hope you can begin to feel a lttle better love, so i too am sending you a hug. Take Carol x

  • FormerMember

    I think black moods are never very far away when dealing with this disease, Sending hugs your way x


  • FormerMember

    Hi James, although my eating and drinking is still somewhat limited,I can remember full well all the emotions that I went through when I couldn't,big hugs! I used to feel like a social outcast at family gatherings,etc!

    It's a truely horrible experience to have something (that we all just take for granted) taken away from us leaving us with a constant reminder,eh!

    God bless you James,big hugs Alison.x

  • FormerMember

    James, sorry you are having a bad day but  you do really well to have any good ones with this rotten disease.Hugs and best wishes for a better day tomorrow.

    Love Jen XX