Kidney cancer

2 minute read time.

HI, Im new to this. i am 34 years old and have just recently had my world turned upside down, inside out and begining to think i'm on a never ending roller coaster. I am married and have 4 children (12, 10, 3 and 8 months).  Ten months ago while I was pregnent my husband had blood in his urine and a lingering cough. I sent him to the doctors and after lots of tests it was discovered he had advanced kidney cancer, that had also spread to his lungs. At the same time we discovered I had placenta previa and placenta acreta(where the placenta was covering the opening of my womb and had attached itself to the womb and trying to the bladder). I was taken into hospital because of the risk of bleeding and it was decided the baby should be delivered early at 33 weeks. Luckily all went well with me and the baby as there was 50, 50 chance and we both survived. I also had a hysterectomy to reduce blood loss and 6 blood transfusions. 3 weeks later my husband went into hospital to have his kidney removed. He was in surgery for 7 hours, very complicated but all went well. His recovery was slow as they had, had to mess arouind with his pancreas and I'm not sure how I managed it but I was visiting him and our little man on special care whilst still getting over my op. After his op we were told his tumours in his lungs had turned aggressive and needed to start treatment straight away. Then a couple of months later he was in a lot of pain to discover his bowel had twisted and dropped into the space of his kidney so they did emergency surgery. This time he seemed to recover well from the operation for us only to be hit with news that the cancer had now spread to his brain. Sorry if I have rambled it has just been a nightmare and very scary. I'm normally quite a strong person but finding even this is hard to beat. there has been lots of other small minor things with the kids and house to deal with. But would just like to hear from and talk with anyone who wants to talk, share and listen as feel quite empty, scared and alone some days even though I am surrounded by a fantastic, support network of friends and family.X

  • FormerMember

    HI thanks to everyone who replied to my post. As you can see I don't get the chance very often to come on here and if I do not for very long ha! Busy life as I'm sure every mum has. Most days I cope and I am trying to be strong for my husband and the children. But every now and then I feel its all a bit too much. I find it amazing what so many people are going through be it dealing with cancer themselves or their family and loved ones. A year ago I had my grandad die of cancer and that was hard and I hated seeing what my mum and grandma went through and now having to deal with what my husband is going through its so different. I am definately learning no matter how much you know, have read or have been through with cancer every story is different. It is a roller coaster and not one you can get off. As a family we are close and are trying to make the best of what time we have. We have just come back from a 2-3 week holiday in a motor home. I decided to take my husband and the kids away in a motor home to go and see some of the uk and make some memories. We managed 2-3 weeks and then had to come home as my husband became ill. But the time we did have was amazing we have over 500 pictures and lots of good, bad and funny stories which is what it was all about. Love to everyone. xxxx