Down, up, down, up, up, up, that's the way.

3 minute read time.

Dec 2009 – July 2012

A big Hi to everyone out there old and new with very best wishes sent out to you all.

I had a quick recap of my blogging on here and was first amazed to see my first blog was December 2009, where I was feeling my way round the site and asking for advice about my upcoming surgery. I found support and friendship when times were very unsure indeed.

I would never have believed that when joining as a patient I would be searching support and advice as a carer to my dear Dad too. I have read through those busy blogs of caring for him in the last few months and then his week of immobility and bed care. The support, love and tips/advice were in abundance and I remember feeling very blessed to have found Macland and all you lovely friends.

My last blog in April 2012 was such a positive and exciting one in which I share the news that after eighteen years with brittle asthma I was now ready to return to the workplace. Something I have always wanted to do, hurray. Again the best wishes and support from this community felt very special indeed.

That brings me to today’s blog, in which I am feeling like Rabbit, Tigger, Pooh and maybe a little bit of Eeyore all wrapped into one.

I have some unbelievable, stunning news!!!!!!! I had been feeling a bit unsure about the return of shitty cancer and I think it’s because I’m two and half years post op and didn’t want to feel too positive just in case. I then had three weeks of abdominal discomfort and thought the worst. I rang my specialist colorectal nurse and she brought my appointment forward from October to July. She’s just brilliant and in fact the whole MDTeam are too. Here’s the best bit – I had such a positive meeting with my surgeon. He’s not at all worried about my abdomen (which is fine now), and reassures me it’s not cancer related. Then actually said I was cured YEP I SAID CURED WOWWWWW. We talked about statistics which I won’t go into here ‘cos some of you don’t want to hear that stuff, but he is adamant that if there hasn’t been any reoccurance by now there won’t be at all. I was truly shocked, a bit unsure but now I’ve just got to take those words and run with them haven’t I???

My last bit of life changing news. As some of you know i’ve been to the job centre and written my CV. To be honest, I have realised that trying to get a job after eighteen years out isn’t quite that easy. My CV isn’t strong to say the least and I wouldn’t employ me honestly, so why should anyone else eh?? But that sure isn’t going to get me down, oh no!! Back to the drawing board and here’s my new plans. I’ve enrolled at college for EDCL to brush up on my IT skills and I’m going to resit my Maths GCSE as mine isn’t good L. I’ve already got a few meetings at voluntary organisations to offer my skills and hopefully gain some and a reference in return. So things are looking very positive yay.

Sorry for the woffle, hey LM have you still got Bernard St Bernard nearby? Could you send him round to anyone who needs him? And I’ll make some honey pancakes to go with the brandy mmmmmmm.

So that’s that then my dear friends. I seem to pop in less and less lately and as a very wise person said recently, the further along the cancer road we get the less we actually feel warpy or have cancer stuff to talk about. I will of course keep an eye on how my lovely friends are getting on in their own journeys and I wish you all very well indeed.

Take care and much love,

Jan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Marvellous news, Jan !

    I am so happy for you and your family .... go and enjoy !

    Love and hugs, Joycee xxx

  • FormerMember

    Woooooooo! That is brilliant news Jan!!! Soooo happy for you!

    What's all this about bernard st bernard I think I missed that lol :)

    Good luck at college, bet you'll ace it :D

    Loads of love and hugs, Clairly xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Good evening and best wishes to you all,

    Thanks so much for all you good vibes, they mean so much and i'm enjoying all your hugs, kisses, love and cwyches.

    Hey Nikki, I see you have gone for your first Chemo/radio today so hope it all went smoothly. Go get zapping that shitty cancer to oblivion xxxxx

    Take care

    Jan xxx

  • Hi Jan such great news not often enough do we here that lovely word Cured.I wish you all good things and I'm sure you will have them.The very best of luck getting back into work huge hugs lots of love Cruton xxxx