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Hello all. Looking for a bit of advise. Been getting chemo ,now into 8th week. Really thought i was managing it all quite well. Had my last infusion last Tuesday and take myself daily. This last cycle has basically knocked the stuffing out of me-big time!! Everything is such a struggle to cope and deal with-is this normal proccedure?? I`m down in the dumps and can`t seem to get back up,crying at the most simple things,nerves shattered,emotions all over the place,silly thoughts etc etc. From the top of my head to the soles of my feet aches? what is going on? Is this the chemo just doing what it`s supposed to do or am I loosing the plot all together, All this is totally out of character and I have no control of myself. This cancer just does what it likes,when it wants and how it wants.FED UP! Irene
  • FormerMember

    Hello Irene -

    First of all - do not be so hard on yourself.  With all these nasty drugs in your system you have no control on how you will react.  I must say - I love the advice that all the others have provided.  My husband begins his second round next Monday.  His course of treatment is different than yours (as everyone's is) and his side effects have been mainly nausea and fatigue. He pops an anti-nausea pill as required and gives in to the fatigue with a nap whenever.  You need to do whatever it takes to pamper yourself right now.  Take care,
