Colonoscopy on Wednesday

1 minute read time.

I've gone through a mix of emotions since fixing the appointment for my colonoscopy the other day. Not looking forward to the day before - fasting and Klean Prep (to clear out the bowel - advice to stay near a loo), and not looking forward to the investigation itself (going through the stoma will be weird but probably less uncomfortable than the scope through the rectum last year).

It is a reminder of how life was turned upside down some 18 months ago when a similar investigation showed that the suspected internal piles were in fact a far more sinister tumour. I want to put it all behind me and forget about it, but the fact they are still keeping an eye on me and that this type of investigation will be annual for a few, as-yet-unspecfied-number-of years, brings back some of the trauma and is a reminder that I can't assume that I have absolutely, 100% definitely seen the end of this disease.

That said, I certainly behave (and feel) as though it is a thing of the past so having gone through a small wobble when faced with the reality of these tests I am now back to business as usual.

On the positive side - where I normally like to focus - the investigation is to be done by the surgeon who performed the operation on me this time last year. I am very pleased about this as I hadn't really thought it could be an option and rather expected to see someone else (less senior?). I have every confidence in her so if there is anything remotely not as it should be then I'm sure she'll be on the case straight away. She can admire my tiny keyhole scars that she made so neat while she's at it!

B will be coming back from his work in Wales on Tuesday night to be with me on Wednesday which is great. It's some major week for him too - but more of that another time perhaps....


  • FormerMember

    Hi Eleanor,

    I am a little ahead of you, so know exactly how you feel, no matter how upbeat and getting on with life we are, these investigations although reassuring are a reminder of the what if!!  I'm sure everyting will go smoothly and yes the procedure is quite straight forward with a stoma.

    I requested no sedative, so that I could get done and get out asap.  It was fine and quite interesting, watching my intestines on screen.  There was no discomfort at all, just a pressure as the scope was pushed into the stoma.  They actually found a polyp 12cm in from my stoma and I watched them remove it.  It was sent to the lab and it's clear, so all is well.  Which just goes to show,  without the scope it wouldn't have been found and who knows???

    Good luck with it and my fingers are crossed.

    Take care

    Jan x

  • FormerMember

    All the best for Wednesday!

    Georgia XXX


  • FormerMember

    Thanks for all the good luck messages. Just started taking the Klean Prep (yuk!) but glad to be getting on with it so I can get it over and done with. x

  • FormerMember

    All the very best for Wednesday,

    I know exactly how you feel when you say not assuming the 100% the disease is gone. Other than my stoma I feel normal again and do all I did before, but there is that nagging doubt, even if it is just tiny. However it is positive that you get the check ups with the surgeon.

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx