our ruby anniversary.

2 minute read time.

After the year I've had I was never sure I would reach our wedding anniversary - but I did, so had to celebrate with the family.  As they all live 100 miles away from us we decided the easiest thing to do was go to them, so Thursday we packed up the motorhome and took off to a rally at Abingdon, a site on the cricket field just by the river  Mick took the van and I drover the car (and suddenly realized after a little way that the furthest I had driven myself over the last 2 yeasr was about 10 miles!).  It was lovely.  In the afternoon our daughter and two grandaughters came over to visit us and we went for a walk to check out the venue for our family picnic on Saturday.  Abbey Meadows - by the river, with a swimming pool, water fountains and play park for the children, and crazy golf and pitch and putt if they were still bored.  Fantastic.  All we needed now was good weather.  Thye all stayed for tea, and then we went  into town  on our own for a drink.

Friday was a very quiet day, just a bit of shopping then sitting on site reading in the sunshine until 4ish when we went over to our son in Didcot as his two daughters were in a dancing show friday evening, which was very good.  Got back to the van after dark (most unusual for us, but as we had the car it didn't matter).  Saturday dawned sunny, but with a warm wind.  Unfortunately it stayed that was most of the day, but in the end there were 29 of us (each with our own picnic to save me any work!) and we had a wonderful afternoon.  The children ran around, some with a football, some with the water fountains, and some played with the frog flipper game my brother arrived with.  We had a fantastic time, and by 5.30 most had left, though we did have visitors to the van afterwards, and eventually we on our own at 9.15pm!

Sunday was the 'actual' day, but we had to be off the site by 12, so we took the van and car over to our daughters and then took the park and ride into Oxford to have some 'us' time in a hotel for the night.  I think it was a fantastic weekend, and everybody seemed to enjoy it.  We needed Sunday to recover!!  Now I am staying with my daughter and her girls to enjoy feeling fit enough to interact with them and get out and about before the check up on 16th!!!  

Here's hoping I get to the next milestone, my 60th birthday in March.

  • FormerMember

    Happy Anniversary! May you celebrate many more.

    Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Viv,

            Congratulations on your ruby anniversary and what a brilliant weekend. It is so lovely to spend time with family  and I am glad that you are feeling well and enjoying life.

    Here's to celebrating that birthday in March.

                Take care,

                    Love lizzie xx      

  • FormerMember

    Oh what a fabulous day to have a wedding anniversary (of course I am not biased or anything lol) many many congratulations on your Ruby Anniversary......another member, Sarsfield celebrated his too!

    Here's waiting to read the blog about your 60th birthday in March :)

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Viv,

    Congratulations. It was my Ruby wedding anniversary too.Roll on the 60 th

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Viv

    Congratulations on you wedding anniversary! It sounds like you've had a wonderful time celebrating.

    My mum has just had her 60th a huge step for her! I'm sure you'll be celebrating your 60th in the style you deserve.

    Take Care

    Huge Hugs

    Tiggsy Xxx