making the most of time

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Well, I was right and chemo begins again on Monday, with another different drug, which means the hospital every day for 5 days, which would be ok if it wasn't 25 miles each way!  then 2 weeks off.  CT scan after 3 treatments, to see what is happening, which means book it after 2 so they can see me before 4!  I'm really getting the hang of this now.  We went to see the oncologist on Thursday then came away to see friends and make the most of time, but after going out yesterday I feel too shattered today, so I'm stuck in the motorhome feeling sorry for myself while my husband has gone for a walk.  My friend I haven't seen for 2 years is actually in a worse state than me, and nobody can define what is the cause of her origin problems, which are now multiplying, but they can't do anything until they know the reason.  Do I fell myself lucky that at least I know my problems?  Who is better off?  Me knowing my fate eventually, or her hoping and praying they can find the cause?  Makes you wonder.


  • Worry about yourself Viv this is a time when being selfish is OK.

    Traveling is getting to be the norm as they bring departments together and I have to travel to Margate for scans a 40 mile round trip.

    Thank goodness we have a car but i feel for the patients older than me who are on their own and cant drive.

    Public transport mean catching a bus to Canterbury and the to margate as most would want to use their bus pass as the train is dearer.

    When you dont feel well thats some journey.

    Anyway good luck and hope the treatment goes well

    Lots of love Mavis

  • FormerMember

    Good luck on Monday greybadger.  I often think we should be offered some sort of near accommodation when having treatment as the treatment itself knocks us for six let alone all the travelling you are going to be doing.  Its so important to get as much rest as poss. to help the drugs do their work.  We are all unique in our lives and you have every right to feel exactly as you want - your friend has her own journey too.  Maybe its just me but since having breast cancer in 2007 I am determined to have no regrets, not feel guilty about anything and if I''m wrong have the good grace to own up and apologise.  Every day truly is a bonus and, from reading your blogs, I know you feel the same.  Take care, good luck, all of us on here are routing for you. Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Viv,

           Wishing you the very best of luck with the new chemo. I will be thinking of you on Monday and hoping this treatment brings positive results.

             Take care and stay strong,

                  Love and hugs,

                        lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    All the best for tomorrow. I hope the treatment is not too bad for you. Stay strong and all the best for your friend also. Take care ((( big hugs )))