it must be working...

1 minute read time.

well everyone, this week has been my local hospital chemo week.  Definately better than a 30 mile round trip!

Saw the onc monday morning, after having my bloods done earlier.  I actually went in early for my appointment and they were amazed at how well I looked.  When my specialst nurse came in she couldn't believe it.  4 weeks ago she was  pushing me round in a wheelchair.  The results were ok for my treatment on Tuesday, but No ca125 results, but onc said they could give them to me during treatment.

tuesday was not quite so straightfoward as I hoped.  An early appointment meant the treatment wasn't ready, and when it came in a glass bottle it  was difficult to administer.  The nurse tried a few times, by which time the cannula was uncomfortable, so the sister came and started again - success.

I had asked the nurse for my cA125, so she went on the computer and she called across, do you know what it was last time ( yes -1960), do you really want to know she asked grinning from ear to ear -  554!  What an amazing result, down by 75% after 1 treatment.  I am hopeful that we may get somewhere this time, and have started booking things in my diary again!

Ps    ca125 is the count used for ovarian cancer - normally it should be under 20!
