Thank you, Chocolate cake and promotion

2 minute read time.

Hi all just wanted to say thank you for ll your nice comments over the last few days, havent felt great and didnt want to pass on my negativity so perked up a bit today and thought it was high time i paid a visit to family on here and thank you for being so caring and lovely x

Havent managed to change gps yet as they need a week before they can see me and seeing as i havent felt well this week decided to stay put for a week or two until the results are in. Doctor i saw was not my normal one, yippee, and i dragged hubbie along so we could kick arse ( sorry big sis no pun intended) and sort something out. Said Dr was not impressed with pain and sent me for bloods and an xray straight away and we are waiting on a scan date to come once again we wait for results. Its the constant lighthead that bothers me and the fact that everything appears to have stopped working and i look 7 months pregnant. Blimey thats a thought last time i felt this dizzy ?????!!!!!!! lol wouldnt that be a turn up for the books, would turn me and hubbie grey overnight. Too old now for all that.

Had hubbies dad and wife round for dinner last night they have been amazing and so supportive so i decided to push the boat out and cook a real dinner party menu, not easy when your head feels like its about to fall off. Anyway made my special receipe stuffed mushrooms followed by meatballs and sauce on linguine and then i made a chocolate roulade which is filled with a chocoltae mousse and whipped double cream, yuuuuummmmmmyyyyy. impressed myself as had it all done in two hours and managed to lay the table all posh and make myself look clean, not a pretty sight when you are covered in cocoa powder and for some strange rason there are traces of chocolate mousse and melted chocolate around my mouth, didnt really lick the spoons hehehehehehe. All that rushing around in a hot kitchen was good though cause they thought i looked really well, slight head tilt but acceptable lol.

i am going on a course in a couple of weeks my manager has put me forward to be a mentor to all newbies and have control over thier development.......what are they thinking more like mental mentor ill hardly be setting a good example when it comes to my attendance record !!!!

love you all lots, 


  • FormerMember

    I am constantly impressed by how much other people manage to do, compared to weedy I-shall-just-take-to-my-bed me. Although I couldn't cook a meal as lush as that even in the best of health.

    Yay for arse kicking!!



  • FormerMember

    MMMmmmmmmm what a delicious meal.  Just been on Ems blog and food tald is there too haha :) Think we are deffo food obssessed, drool drool.  And you're a bloody hero carrying on even when feeling poorly.

    The waiting game again, so fingers crossed and hum te tum wait and hope and best wishes and love to you.

    Take care

    Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Annette, that meal sounds fantastic! Glad you got a GP who is listening and doing something for you. All appendages crossed.

    First meeting as a mentor you should turn up with choc round your mouth. It will put everyone at their ease as they will realise that you are human....even better, put a box of chocs on the table for you to nibble throughout, and watch their faces. Ha ha that would be cruel.

    Love and hugs xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Just seen your comment on Warped.....I hope you are ok, as I know that you were having further tests. Take care lovely lady, and hope you are back with us soon. Never give up hope.