It's happened so quick.

Less than one minute read time.

Not having seen my GP for 15 years, and never been an inpatient as an adult, it came as bit of a shock to find myself passing blood in my urine, pain while trying to pee, and complete lack of sleep.

So I made an urgent appointment to see my GP. He passed me over to A and E, and then I spent a couple of nights in my local (small) hospital. It seems I had a tumour in my bladder.

Sent by Air Ambulance from Orkney( where I live)  to Ward 44 Aberdeen Royal Infirmarmy where i spent 8 nights and a lot of tests etc.

Staff were brilliant from start to finish and now I am home. Awaiting the results. Scary.

Thank goodness for the NHS. 


  • FormerMember

    Hello Busspass.   Yes, it certainly does come as a shock when we are taken into hospital for tests and a tumour is discovered ..... and the waiting for results is usually the worse bit, scary. However, until those results come through try not go into panic-mode just yet ( easier said then done, I know ! ) but if treatment is needed then they will be on top of it straight away.

    This is a marvellous community for help / support and there are groups for all the various cancer types which you can join if your results warrant it ...... I hope that you don't need to come back, but we are here if you do. Take care and all best wishes.

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    Me too... bragging I never got ill! and then lo and behold... ops and chemo and radiotherapy etc. It is a shock but you can get your head round it and deal with it and get on with your life again.... its just a new normal you have to get used to. The waiting is the worst bit of it all. Once you know and get on with it, somehow it gets easier so I wish you well in the waiting.....  Try not to worry as worrying never changes anything. Though that is easier said than done!

    my son was born in that hospital... glad to hear they are still looking after people well.

    Plenty of support here and the Bladder cancer group will give you some specific support too.

    As Joycee says, we are all here for you

    Little My

  • FormerMember

    Hi there buspass,

    Just a quick Hello, since Joycee and LM have said it all. Good luck with the results and do let us know how you get on.

    It's a frightening prospect until the treatment starts, but remember others have gone through this before you and come out the other side.

    Good luck,


  • FormerMember

    Thanks for comments!   Wait and see.  

  • FormerMember

    Busspass hope your results are good ones?

    My Little you are so right i have never had a serious illness but my when i have one it has to cancer?? hugs to all.

    joyce. X.