This is not the news I was looking for

Less than one minute read time.

So, this is what happened at the hospital yesterday:

I'm currently on a regimen of three weeks of Paclitaxel, followed by a week off. One side-effect of Taxel is neuropathy - numbness/pins and needles/pain in the fingers and toes. I've had very bad pains in my fingers for the past couple of weeks. I assumed that the consultant would accordingly change my drug to one that wouldn't have this side-effect. However, she didn't. From what she said, there aren't that many drugs options available. I was on Carboplatin before, but she says we can't go back on that. The only other possibility she mentioned is an oral chemo, and she didn't sound very certain that would be effective. So I'm having an extra week off chemo, and she's prescribed some vitamin B complex pills that might help with the neuropathy.

In other words, if I want to continue cancer treatment, which I do, I'll have to put up with the side-effects of Taxel. Which might involve permanent damage to my fingers and/or toes.

None of which I find very reassuring.

Kind of sick of all this, to be honest. As who, I am sure, is not.

  • I am so sorry to find this so late!!!

    And i am very sorry that I cannot be of any practical help!!!!!!!

    And smoking cannabis does no good whatsoever apparently. It is the oil that is needed, from what some rather more daring friends have told me, growing your own (ie not buying the super skunk that kids use?) and making the oil is what is needed, which of course would be fine if it wasn't illegal. Why governments would make hemp illegal when it can also make clothes and be used as fuel, such as useful little plant... oh there we are, I nearly answered my own question..... ;)

    I am now puzzling over how to make sure you keep all your digits. from Wales. I have no idea, but if I were you, I would kick up a fuss. gently. So you don't cough.

    Lots of love and cwtchs (they are all-enveloping extra warm and soft hugs) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx