Debs Daily Deliberations 260 - The Haircut

3 minute read time.

Yes folks remember me???

I only do a blog here and there if something exciting (well, they will be far and few between I can tell ya) or interesting or even mildly entertaining to me happens.

This blog is all about the haircut, some of you may have known me since I joined but for others, the last time I went to the hairdressers and had my haircuit was in mid January 2009, yep twenty oh nine!

Basically, lost a lot of hair through RT to the head and was told it could be permanent.  Most of it has grown back but unfortunately Buttercup was right frontal lobe and bang smack at the front under my fringe line.  Well, I now have a rather large sparse area, a la Homer Simpsons head, with a few stragglers left growing.  It's also growing WAY slower than the rest of my head.  It's literally taken me this long to have any sort of fringe.

I usually wear fabric headbands - as in my profile picture.....the aging rocker look lol but recently I have decided to hell with it all and have left the house without a hat or headband on, again its taken 2.5 years and I still keep a hat in my handbag in case the wind whips up.

This is me two weeks ago out for dinner.

I don't know what possessed me but I know I really needed to get my haircut, I've always sported a short bob, mostly inverted at the back, nice and easy to manage whilst working with kids........well my hair at the back which didn't fall out was now reaching the middle of my back and I don't have thick luxurious hair but more like thin whispy baby hair (& that was before RT) and using the straighteners has given me more split ends than I care to count.  I was going into Tesco's to get my shopping and this time I walked straight past and into the hairdressers next door, Eden.

My heart was literally thumping out of my chest, I asked if they had any appointments free for the next day (otherwise I would have chickened out) for a dry cut, yes I know a wet cut gives best results but I am not ready for anyone outside of my immediate family to see my baldy wet bonce.  I asked if I could sit at the back on the left hand side so my baldy bit was to the back wall and they were very kind.  Appointment booked, I walked around Tesco's and changed my mind more times than a woman changes before going out with someone special.

Well I did it, my hair is now back resting on my shoulders (a good two inches cut off) and it feels much healthier, she even gave my tiny fringe a little tidy up.....literally mm's off that!

I do feel quite proud of myself, I know its only one small snip for womankind but one giant leap for Debs!  People say, it's only hair but its amazing how depressed you can feel when you don't have what you did before, add on top I am carrying a few extra pounds (read into that a LOT of extra pounds) and its easy to become very image conscious. Yes I know I am lucky to be alive, after all I have reached my 'best before date' and when I think about the "whole picture" I know it seems silly but hey, can't change the way we think eh!

 New haircut, hard to see how short it is with me wearing a dark top!

Thought for today:
Laughter is the corrective force which prevents us from becoming cranks.
Henri Bergson
