Dear Husband, I will be there for you, every step of the way, right by your side.

  • Life wasn't playing ball


    My husbands glands on both side of his neck were still uncomfortable so Leukaemia man sent us for a CT scan just to rule out anything sinister but most likely it was as a result of the CLL - nothing to worry about Yeah Right !! Visit GP too as the pain is becoming worse around the neck - she urged us to contact for scan results. I knew at this point that we were in for something more sinister but my darling husband was…

  • Frustrated


    I'm just not happy with hubby's breathing. My mind is going into overdrive and I'm convinced that the cancer has spread. I'm trying to keep a lid on things but why does everything take so damn long. The week before his neck dissection I noticed he was a little short of breath, not all the time, just now and again. I mentioned it to him and he hadn't  noticed (now there is a surprise!) Why are men so…

  • Something else to worry about.


    There have been so many times I have wanted to write more about my husband's cancer experience but things change almost on a daily basis post treatment and it's difficult to comprehend one state before moving onto another. It's all logged in my brain somewhere - hopefully, although much of the onslaught I wish to forget.

    September 2013 saw us being collected by the laundry machine of the wonderful NHS and…

  • How can one single day change our lives forever?


    It's been almost a week since we got the worst news possible.

    It's been a long week  - filled to the brim with emotion, love, strength, stress and a million and one other things that I'm too tired to write down. My head has a sort of running commentary on the situation, there is never a single minute of the day that I am not thinking about the fact that my husband is dying.

    I have had some stress in our lives…

  • How I admire him and am so proud of him.


    He's doing really well. He feels like complete and utter sh*t but in his own quiet way he has accepted the inevitable. No anger, no regrets, no bitterness. He tells me twenty times a day that he loves me and I love him. He holds my hand whilst I cry, he advises me on my bleak and miserable future without him.

    No topic has been off limits. He's so brave. We've sorted general funeral stuff out. We've made decisions…