What a couple of Weeks!

7 minute read time.

Having spent time writting comments on several blogs, when I went back to check for updates none of my comments were there. AAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH. I did log a technical report, and got a message saying I should be able to now, but still didn't seem to be able to. Just tried again this evening, and my comment appeared, hooray.

During the week after I got in from dropping the kids at school about 11am, no wonder I never have time to do anything we stood talking / catching up on six weeks worth of gossip ( and we are just the parents). I was busy trying to remember to make sure I sorted out all things hubby needs that we forgot to take in (hairbrush, spare flannels, deodorant) I thought I did well remembering his toothbrush and toothpaste :-)

The phone rings, it is a woman and she starts blah blah blah, and I am like skip to the point already, and she did you have various cover with us to protect against boiler breakdown etc, and wondered if you want cover for electrical emergencies. So I say I think we have it with someone else, so she starts asking who and various other details.

What! Do they think I am just sitting here thinking oh better make sure I got my policy documents to hand in case someone phones out of the blue to discuss cover.

So I told her that at this moment in time an electrical problem was the least of my concerns and that my husband was very ill and I was more concerned about that than anything else. She started with the oh sorry to hear that, I'm sorry blah blah blah. And I'm thinking you don't even know him.

The blah blah is because I wasn't really listening to those bits and they weren't really important bits anyway.


When I was in visiting hubby on Wednesday one of the doctors looking after hubby came around, and we had a chat about medication etc. and she said she would write up for him to keep having the heparin injection (which is good) I said I don't have many left and needed to get back to the hospital to get some, she said don't worry we can order some. However I get a call on Friday from the hospice sister asking if we have any more at home because they haven't been able to get any yet. So I need to take the last 6 days worth that I have in to the hospice.
At least they phoned and didn't wait until I went in to ask me to bring in it, especially as I'm only doing one trip  some days., though they had enough till Saturday anyway.

While talking with hubby on Thursday I said about bringing the socks in, and needing to get some washing on but not having time to sort it out cause of coming to visit him, and we ended up discussing inventing an app that you could use to communicate with your house and control a robot to do all your chores while you are elsewhere - can you image that?


Saturday was my sisters birthdays ( I have 2 sisters, they are twins), we had arranged to have a party at my house, because of David, but decided to still have it here anyway. One of my sisters is disabled, the other is the one who has been very supportive with helping with the kids and hubby. She organised most of the food, so I didn't need to worry about that.

After we had eaten we all popped in to see David, my Mum and Dad left first and the kids, me and my sister plus her hubby went about half an hour later.

Eldest child went off to Y6 School camp this week (Monday to Friday), needed to be at the coach by 2:15pm, so we dropped the boys at school, then went home and packed her case and had time to pop and visit hubby so she could say goodbye. Went home, had lunch and got to the coach in plenty of time.

Took the boys into the hospice Tuesday evening to see hubby, but their behaviour was awful! they kept running around and making tons of noise. Ended up leaving early and shouting at them and telling them if they are going to behave that badly we won't go and visit dad again!

Wednesday visited hubby during the afternoon, cub night so don't go to hospice in evening anyway.

Thursday, my sister says she wants to pop and see hubby in evening, and will help with kids. Discover an old friend she still has contact with works at the hospice. Arrange to meet up, and the kids are perfect little angels???? I think it is because of old friends presence.

Friday, one of hubby's cousin's is down from Scotland and visiting today, but don't know what time. Get her mobile number from another cousin, and try and ring her but get no answer. Stay at home despite having planned to go and see hubby during day cause I forgot she was coming until I checked the calendar. About 1:30 she rings and says she will be here around 3pm! I say she needs to be here either by 2:30pm or after 4pm cause I need to collect the kids. She arrives just after 2pm. Collect daughter from coach, she has had a fantastic time away. A friend offered to collect boys and walk them home for me, so we go home and do dinner. Boys arrive home. Then we all go in to see hubby, boys behave and daughter helps keep them in check.

Now we are at today (Saturday), the older two have flower arranging (my mum's hobby, and she has got my children into it too) which they enjoy. Have arranged to go to mum's for lunch, so we drop the older two off, and me and the younger one go home and decide to decorate some cakes. Mum offers to collect the older two as she wants to go and see the ladies (her friends) that run the group. So we go straight to her house for lunch. Pop in to see hubby and take in the two arrangements and a cake (which he enjoyed).


I have to say though, despite all this I feel really relaxed and I am getting undisturbed sleep, and feel a tad guilty but in a good way because things are relaxed and I am sleeping well and I have energy, and the poor nurses at the hospice are running around after hubby and dealing with his groaning during the nights, and he is disturbing them at 3am and 5am, but not me.

Hubby seems to have his feet well under the table so to speak, and is enjoying being in the hospice, and looking out the window at the birds and having complete quiet (except when we all visit) but he does enjoy the visits.

Hubby had a bad few days when he first arrived, they have been giving him different pain meds and he perked up, but Tuesday this week he had a head splitting headache and looked really bad, but they increased his steroids and have also been giving him morphine (he thinks) anyway something purple, and he has perked up and on Thursday was on top form, in fact he was feeling so well that he suggested asking the nurses one day to hold his lunch and we could take the wheelchair and drive into the nearby town to a fish n chip shop to get a vegetable pasty for lunch. Urm nice idea, but you still can't support your weight, and need to be hoisted out of bed into the chair, perhaps I could just arrange to bring one in to eat there.

BTW, just in case anyone is thinking look at the time of her post, she should be asleep. I was typing my blog in word (Mac land unreliable sometimes, also I can check my spellings*) then fell asleep. Woke up and if I don't post now another week will fly past.

* Just in case I missed some spellings I will add this little poem:

I typed this little poem, eye know the spellings are correct, cause eye ran it though my PC spell checker.

  • FormerMember

    Ahh Thank you all for your comments.

    Actually the staff at the hospice didn't seem to mind too much about the boys running around, the nurses said they were fine. But I don't want them charging around in case they caused an accident. Also hubby gets worked up when they don't behave, and he kept on at me to get them to stop making so much noise.

    Yes they do have large grounds and the boys enjoy running around while it is light. But they were just being very hyper, and it was getting dark.

    Thank you

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue,

    I am commenting on this in the hope you can find your blog when (of if) you try to log in again..

    Again you are in my thoughts at this very sad time X


    Jinty XX

  • FormerMember

    Thanks to James Burnett for emailing me a link to my blog, which I have now bookmarked in my favourites so I can find it.

    Also to Jinty for her help, and for her kind messages and to foreveryours for her kind message.
