Well Its Now Official - I Am Half Baked !!

7 minute read time.

My Prostate Cancer and Radio Therapy Journey
Hi Guys,
OK Friday night, glass of wine and time to unwind and update as to where I am. Very brief update, Locally advanced prostate cancer Dx 3 years ago and everything going fantastic, being treated by 3 monthly hormone injections to control. Then last January's PSA blood test result which is an indicator of cancer activity, showed current treatment starting to fail, at an accelerating rate,  so time to look at other options. Up till then my consultant has been my Urology Surgeon, he now arranged for me to see Onc at Christies to consider the alternative treatments.
So following the Onc appointment and looking at alternatives, err not too many as chemo is not  effective for mine, because it had already spread to the lymph system. I was offered an unusual solution at this stage - Radio Therapy to the Prostate. Because the Cancer had already spread when I had my original op, October 2008,  it was suggested there was no advantage in the extra surgical trauma of removing the prostate.  The thinking now is that the Prostate could be the source of the rogue cells.  The intention is to have 16 Sessions of radio Therapy, by the time you read this I have had 8, so 50% of the journey done !
The first stage of the treatment was to have a 'Planning Scan' bit like a detailed CT scan so that the RT Beam intensity and positioning could be calculated - looks like I will get 5 shots each session, each from a different angle.
Had My Planning scan on Monday 14th March as I said - not too traumatic but a little embarrassing ! They did all the usual checks, date of birth and full address just to make sure the records matched me and that  was mentally alert I think !!
Told me my treatment was due to start on 23rd, so great news - no long period waiting for a letter to hear. They asked my preference for appointments and I picked early, all except for the first couple, around 9.30 - 10 am. All 16 now booked but I have the option to ask for a change if I need to - so quite flexible.  So if fatigue does become a problem I can go back to bed and still be awake from lunch time with luck. Got my car park password too ! (free car park !)
Taken through to the waiting area for the scan - and was seen at 1.30 prompt. 3 radiographers, struck me none were over 20, but that could be due to my age  - the uniform was a tunic up to the neck and they all wore matching uniform trousers, bit like Star Trek,  but without the pointy ears, they were all very  pleasant and put me at ease.
They spent about 10 Min's explaining the scans, the marking up with pens and the tattoo - all was as expected. Asked me to remove any coins or metal from my trouser pockets, remove my shoes and jacket and to lie on the table of the scanner.
Now comes the awkward bit - lol - they positioned me on my back and lined up various led or laser lights and adjusted my position, then asked me to open my trousers and lower them and my boxer shorts to the level of my buttocks. Being the shy modest person I am, I was careful not to expose anything other than a little pubic hair. I was then asked to raise my bottom and without notice, they dropped my trousers and shorts at least another 12 inches !!! They then covered my err exposed area with a paper towel to spare my blushes - bit blood late by then - lol. Marked up with the skin pens
Anyway two brief scans - a few Min's each and maybe 5 Min's apart and then the tattoo, literally just 3  pin pricks - bit like a join the dot puzzle I was told the pen marks would wash off and not to worry if I could not see the 3 dots - they would see it with their equipment - then told I could get dressed !!
Went from there to meet my Macmillan Treatment Review Radiographer. Her role was to take me through the possible and probable side effects again. Did say for the more common ones, Fatigue, change to bowel activity, frequency of weeing and possible painful wee symptoms that they could supply medication and advise during treatment.
I am also due a medical review each week during treatment to asses any symptoms and a follow up after 6 weeks then every 6 months. Main thing she wanted today was for me to sign the consent forms - which I did
So We move on first 2 treatments - all went well, even overcoming my natural shyness !!  - session 3 - I am now a professional !!! - on command drop the boxers !! - bit over confident now and they actually pulled them back up about 6 inches -  oops Not sure about meat and 2 veg - maybe  button mushroom and 2 frozen peas !!  You can tell they are professional - no one laughed !! Anyway break for the weekend. For some reason knackered by midnight Sunday, slept from Midnight till 7.30 am. Some Muscle ache from the legs when navigating  the stairs - must be all the exercise I am having - then remember I had not had any !
Monday,  Session 4, easy this Radio Therapy lark, got home about 11am had a bit of breakfast and off to bed by 12pm for half an hour - woke up 1 1/2 hours later - needed the loo - err urgent ! Back to bed with a coffee for a while, watch some mind numbing daytime tv  - life is tough !!
Never been to the USA - But Yellow Stone Nation Park has a Geyser - a natural venting of water called 'Old Faithful' - well I know how it feels - every 30 Min's off to the loo for a wee ! So if you want a garden water feature I am available ! You must of seen that famous statue of the little boy peeing ? - well I can do a mean impersonation !! Thinking of painting my body bronze and renting myself out if the weather improves a bit !!
So maybe the side effects are kicking in - just a bit of discomfort so not bad and will tackle at medical review on Wednesday - lol
Seem a bit odd - might need a second opinion - been told I am normal - I wish to dispute that !! - OK serious for a minute - bit of fatigue, so get some more rest, peeing a lot, err drink a bit less, bit of cystitus - yes to be expected, so quick review. OK doing fine, symptoms are mild and I already rattle when I walk so no need for extra meds.
Wednesday Night started to see some blood with the motions, which are loose now. Was not sure if this was a one off but similar on Thursday so mentioned it after Fridays Session. Again, told normal reaction to RT and to be expected. The main suggestion was that it was time for me to switch to low fibre diet to improve the bowel action. If this did not reduce the problem then they could provide medication to help on Monday, but better to try to let the body solve it first.

First 3 Sessions were followed by a scan to ensure the right area was being treated and it was being effective, now reduced to 1 scan a week on Friday's. Each session only takes about 10 - 15 minutes including being positioned and the scan as well.
So, overall the hardest part has been anticipating the treatments, have some discomfort - but no worse than during the 6 years prior to treatment - and halfway there - the really, really good news ?? Its OK to Drink Friday and Saturday Nights - so Life is looking good again !!
Will update when finished but do not expect to see full benefits for up to 12 months - but hope maybe 3 or 6 month check indicates some signs of improvements. Good Luck to Everyone Else on Their Journey.
Love and Hugs to All
J xx


