Today is Yesterdays Tomorrow !

3 minute read time.

Advanced Prostate Cancer Patients Lament

( With deep apologies to Lennon / McCartney !! )

QUICK WARNING to any new Prostate Cancer Patients Or Carers, the following is my views, expeiences and hopes following Dx And Treatment for Advanced Prostate Cancer which is inoperable and all treatment is intended to slow its progress and not cure.

Prostate Cancer is easy to treat and cure if caught early, please ask your partner or male relatives over 45 to seek a PSA test - a simple blood test with a good indication to if further investigation is needed. Hope some of you get a smile from folowing !

Yesterday, all  my thoughts of cancer were so far away
I was told today, its here to stay
Oh, I wish it was yesterday
I feel I  will not be half the man I used to be
The cancer shadow's hanging over me
Oh, yesterday means so much to me
Why did the prostate have to go,
I am not sure, did they say ?
I was in shock, they said somethings wrong
Now I am scared and wish for yesterday
Yesterday, love was such an easy thing to make
Now an hours notice, and Viagra I need to take
Oh, wish  I was as potent as yesterday
Why did the libido need to go, hormone treatment makes it so
masculinity, it seemed to take, Now saying I am a guy can seem so fake
How I wish it was yesterday
Making Love is not the world you know, and is not the only way to show,
to hold and cherish, and remember long sweet nites we both know
Seems a lifetime away, the days we danced to our 'Song'
maybe mean to say hold me, then nothing can be wrong.
we both had our yesterday
Yesterday love was the only  game to play
Now I just want to stay - but Cancer is pulling me away
The chemo failed - but the radio therapy  was worth a try
but we both know - I am going to die,
there is no Point wishing for yesterday
But Come on my Love - let us find time to rejoice
and enjoy our time, death never does give one a choice
We can waste time, can hide and plead, but death takes no heed
Yesterday now is so far away.
But we are us - tall and straight - we face our foe so let us walk
hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart and we will talk
Of dreams we had, of our life's desires, death cannot damp life's raging fires
I have learned to grow and I  don't long for yesterday
We  both have Today and so many just do not
we can mourne our loss of time or celebrate and live for  all we got
I know my fate, no false hopes but peace and calm
To achieve my final dream, to rest my weary head on your soft and gentle arm.
yesterday may have gone - but I am so safe from harm
We have loved and fought so hard, battle scarred, but never lost,
Cancer hurts the body but we understand its Cost
It may rob us of life, and it can hurt so deep
but the spirit it can't touch, the love we share, we will always keep
I used to dream of Yesterday, now more  than happy to settle for today.
We all die a day for every day from when we are born,
Its what we do with the days we have that count,
not count the days we have left

Love and Hugs to All

J xx

Had my planning scan Yesterday (14th ) and start the Radio therapy on the 23rd March, 16 sessions. Update as they progress.
