The Site - From another Perspective

5 minute read time.

I know some of you have far more experience of this site than myself but I still think there are two sides to The Site argument. I only joined the site at the end of May this year so I cannot comment on the old share site or draw any comparisons. What I can do is tell you my view of this site because some of the thing I have seen discussed just clash with what I see and feel.
Maybe some of my difficulty is based on my understanding that the Macmillan Cancer Organisation offers support to those affected by cancer ? It is not exclusive for Patients, some of whom could not enjoy the quality of life they do if it was not for Carers and Family and even Friends.
I have expressed my thoughts before that some Carers suffer more than Patients. I don't intend to repeat my last blog about how much we patients owe to our carers - just the basic facts - they are there for us on our journey and if we do loose the fight then they are left to cope alone in maybe much reduced circumstances. On top of that they have all the emotional issues to cope with. I think that in sharing details of treatment, feelings and perspectives between Patients and Carers we all gain something by seeing a bigger picture - sometimes we may become  self centred and introspective.
I do agree with the comments that not all Cancer Patients are terminal and not all Cancers kill. Both the detection and cure rates are improving all the time, maybe not in time for all of us.  I have read several blogs recently were people have returned to the site to say that the latest scan results are clear, that they have been for their 3 monthly test and no further treatment is need at this time.
There are current posts on the site now from Ladies undergoing reconstructive surgery or have finished the chemo courses and looking forward to living a new life  - so maybe its not just bad news we see posted.
There does seem to be a lot of Patients talking about more serious Cancers and have not been given a good prognosis - but surly they and their Carers are the ones more likely join the site looking for information and support ?
Yes there are posts about Carers going through bereavement - but again with the nature of Cancer and the Site this will be something we see on a regular basis. The people posting this information are 'Friends', most who we may never meet,  that we have made on here  and we have been on some parts of their journey with them. I do not know of anyone who has been offended by this.
Maybe its scary to the new guys coming on the first time and reading these posts ? If they read on and see the responses that are posted maybe they begin to understand the support the we offer to each other on here ? Cancer is about life and death - that does not mean we can't discuss it or tell others that we ARE LIVING WITH CANCER !
Ease of access to the site - yes Spammers and Fakes can be a problem - if you let them be. I should think all of the guys on here have those emails in broken English offering us friendship and love - just email them back - maybe include your bank details as well ? Not too difficult to refuse the friendship request ! - The fakes - OK maybe a bit of a more difficult to deal with - but my own stand is now,  if I had 100% proof then I  report my thoughts to Admin, let them deal - less than 100% - then I would rather support 99 fakes than not support 1 genuine person. I am also on Face book - and you get spammers and fakes on there too - its just a fact of cyber life these days.
Maybe there does need to be some sort of tiered access to the site regarding being able to blog or post responses - but what about the new Guys diagnosed a few days ago and maybe still feeling numb, shocked or even in denial ? They pluck up courage to come on the site for the first time at a weekend, maybe the first time they have not had workmates to distract their attention. Does anyone really think they should not be able to read the information, ask questions or just need to talk to people in the same situation until they fill in a form and produce proof ?
Greeting new people - I agree maybe at times we could all do better and more often. I normally spend a lot of time in the Chat Room in the evenings and it is very rare for anyone entering not to be made to feel welcome. There is even a brief welcoming speech pre-prepared to try let them know what the chatroom is about and to try overcome any initial shyness - it is the first time some people have ever been in a chatroom. It is also not unusual for someone to offer the new Guy a Private Chat to just cover some of the main points.

My Blog is not intended to offend or criticise some of the more experienced people on the site, just maybe to say, if you look for positive things about the site thing you can still find them.

It has offered help and support to me and maybe I find it hard to think back to the time before I joined - I know my prognosis has not changed - but my outlook on life sure has !
The share site does sound like a caring and close community so not knocking it - I just never got the chance to experience it.

Hugs Guys

John xx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya John,

    Theres nothing left for me to say that hasnt been said already. Good Blog Mate.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    i cant remeber anyone saying this site was for patients and not carers

    infact no one did..

    there people posting on here who have been so against the changes that were made from share and what now

    i guess they must have forgotten

    the lay out of this site is rubbish

    of course those who never were on the share site or the what now site dont really know what the site was like

    come on here and people cant even find the thread they posted on....we just get the latest posts on the opening page and we dont get to see what threas the post was meant for,,,

    course in the old day when we logged in we got a list of the threads come up and we just went into the thread we was looking it coping with loss....or general cancer chat.....half the time i cant even find the in memory thread...

    of course those who were not on the original sites dont remember how many people got left behind who couldnt work this new site out so what would they know..

    people are  leaving this site i guess thats for no reason is it....i think iv got 40 plus just on my facebook page the hardly bother to use this site..

    so some people dont mund the scam messages....even the porn link...i got a message asking me to send money to help a kid in the philapines a weel ago....gave me there e mail adress and wanted mine...

    well maybe some of us dont mind...

    but i do remember some people going wel off it when we got a same porn link stuck on here..

    so i guess the people posting on here all like the new site better then the ones we had ..

    thats problem it you dont mind all the crap messages you keep getting..

    only me i wont agree with you

    in my opinion the site we have been left with is not a shadow of what we once had..

    i just didnt realise people had changed there mind

    o well i learn something new everyday...

    not to worry i can just sod off to face book like so many other people have ...

    or i could do my own private group and just invite my friend to that group but why would i want to do that...

    your right christine ...the problem is with the site lay out....and the dam stupid messages i keep getting every time i sign in....and yes on the morons who come on the site and make stuff up....

    myself i will never ever agree that this site is even half as good at what we had in the first place...

    the big problem with the lay out is for genuine people who come here as soon as we sign in we are hit with the latest posts......and half the time the latest posts are about a horrible death....or people dying....or being terminal

    for those with cancer or just diagnosed with cancer believe me it can be a very very scary thing to to ne hit with every single time we we sign in...

    i guess for those who havent got cancer i guess its not as bad

    what i have been asking for is for the old share lay out back

    see when we logged in on share we go a list of all the forums.....NOT the lastest posts

    it meant we could just click into the forum we wanted

    be it coping with loss.....general cancer memory....etc etc...

    that way those not wanting to be face to face with the death stuff didnt have to be.....

    and not only that it allways meant we knew where our posts would be when we went off the site for a couple of days or longer...

    2,000 posts i lost when they changed the sites....stuff from people who are now dead...itt was so easy to go back to some post from a while ago if we wanted to see what the info was..

    so many people lost all there posts

    it really was a far far better set up...

    to be honest i do find this place more negative ..but that because we didnt have to come face to face with stuff we didnt want to read...but IF we did want to read it... we just went into that thread..

    there was no problem at all...

    why do you think people are bogging off to face book..

    why do you think some patient do leave when they come here and get scared stupid...

    it wasnt long ago a woman with breast cancer posted a right post about how she was going back to the breast cancer site becaue this site was naking her feel so depressed.

    im a very posative person me, i dont even post half the things i have been through....the constant log on and come face to face with all the death and dying and terminal stuff is depressing me...18 months ago i sat with skipper and he died ....then tammy died....then my dad died...he died in castle hill hospital in the none cancer wards....while i was 50 yards away in the cancer unit...i couldnt even go see my dad as i was high risk from infection and getting zapped with 5 days of nasty r-dhap chemo...

    so no one can say i dont know what it feels to lose anyone....then every 12 weeks i have a blood test to see if my NHL has come back and a dose of will come back sooner or in remission for the second time as it is and ut gets harder to beat each time...

    iv got death hanging over me all the time...

    so when i log on and see death...bad death...terminal...dying on all the posts ...well you can guess what it feels like...guess for people without cancer its not as bad maybe


    we just want the lay out changing back to what it was...

    and its not just me who wants the changes....not by a long way..

    so no one says the site us just for patients...far from it......

    only i doubt if the people who run this site will do anything...

    and the spam stuff is so dam simple to stop..

    they only need block the @ symmol

    that way anyone putting send me your e mail address to  HOTLIPS@NIGERIA.COM......well there message is instantly blocked

    they do that on all the footy forums i go on....and the hull daily mail forum etc

    it kills spam dead

    we have been asking for this to be sorted out for a year or more.....and nothing has been done ...


    if they dont want to channge anything on the site fine.

    il stay on face book...iv got 40 x share / what now friends on my page anyway.....

    and many others have there own facebook pages ....most of the what now users are on facebook....they lost there site totally when  they did the changes..

    that was well sad...and not right to be honest..

    the mac people did not listen to anyone when they did the changes...and not one person on this thread wanted the changes either....

  • FormerMember

    Well said John.........this site (or any other support group) is as positive or negative as any individual wants it to be!!!  I have been visiting this site for a couple of years now - initially seeking reassurance that my life is not 'paradise lost' - some kind of dark nightmare that there's no way out of.  I found my answers through talking to some lovely folks who are now dear friends.....I will never find my 'paradise' life again because the nature of this beast called cancer alters all perspective forever!!!!

    So I try very hard to remain positive and have a laugh each day here with my friends...if I feel too far down someone will drag me back up again!!!!  I hope too that I have had a positive effect on those that I have come into contact with....As far as possible I refuse to allow negativity to affect me

  • FormerMember

    Well said John - this site is as positive or negative as each person wants it to be!!!  There is absolutely no point in berating the poor admin staff for doing their jobs to the best of their abilities!!  We have been brought reluctantly to this 'new look' site and now have to make the best of it......OR LOSE IT!!!

    Personally I don't like change but eventually took the 'suck it and see' approach and find I can cope with all the changes!!!

    Whatever and however the site looks is not really the issue - but the amount of help and support we get from other folks here.....(and I must admit that I have made some lovely friends along the way)........and also the help and support that we can give back to others from our own experiences with this insidious disease.  None of us will ever be the same again - just like this site our lives are changed forever by having - or looking after someone with ca....  I know that - though my hubby is still here - my life will never be the same again and I grieve for that in a similar way to someone that has lost their partner/parent/sibling/friend.  (and before anyone has a go about that statement think about the fact that we had plans for our retirement that will never be fulfilled because of how his illness has left him).  But looking for a positive in this hubs is still here and we laugh and joke each and every day....and do what we can to make the best of it.......

    As the song say......'always look on the bright side of life...'

    Dot xx

  • FormerMember


    A very good post.

    I joined back in August 09 just before all the changes, took a while to get used to both formats.

    Similarly i've been on other health forums for years & moderated them.

    Any change always upsets a few as no one likes change, but i have to agree this site is not the easiest to use.

    A site has to be for patients, carers, those that need to feel part of a community.

    If you lose the community feel to a site or make it unwelcome to newbies the site doesn't grow it dies.