The Chat Room - ENOUGH !!

2 minute read time.

Hi Guys,
Don't really want to post more and more blogs on such a sensitive subject,  the more we talk it out the more we are going to upset each other !
Want to ask you all a favour - can we draw a line under this subject now please, reading the various post we are all in agreement - The purpose of the Chat Room echo's the purpose of the site - to support anyone suffering from the affects of Cancer.
Lets not get too hung up on who hurts the most, does it really matter ? If someone is hurting they need our support - not too bothered if it because they are scared, the effects of treatment or because they have just been told that no further treatment is available.
Pain is pain and shows itself in different ways - mental or physical - its still pain. Not looking for sympathy honest - but mine is in operable, still have some time but do understand the end game. Being honest reconciled things and in a great place. I have suffered far more physical pain with tooth ache !! - so Let not compare our hurts please, its meaningless we all need support which is just another demonstration of family love.
The beauty of the site is we are the Mac Family, we do welcome anyone who has to join - but we really are the club of reluctant members. Does not matter a jot if you are a Patient, Ex-patient, Carer, Ex-Carer, friend or family member. All we should ever expect is that you allow us to welcome you when you join, support you when you hurt, laugh with you when its appropriate, and shed some tears with you when thats appropriate too.
OK does work both ways on here. In time it will be your turn to support others, new guys will think I have been drinking even more than usual ! That they will never get to to that place - but so many do - how do you think we felt when we joined, just as lost frightened and hurting.
So can we change the subject please - lets do what we do best - Support anyone Suffering with cancer, irrespective of discussing the reason we are here - We are the Mac Family and we are Fantastic  at supporting  - the best site on the net !!

Love and Hugs to Everyone !!

J xx

  • FormerMember

    totaly agree with all u said john we were all new once and we all still hurt in our own way if it b the loss of a parent or family member we are all in the same boat here so lets not have a mutiny or rock the boat coz i get sea sick lol

  • FormerMember

    Well said J

    Cancer touches all involved and no one should judge their pain greater than others but understand that we all feel pain.  There are no medals to be had and everyone has the right to use the chat rooms.

  • FormerMember

    Well said JOHN agree with evrything you have said.

  • FormerMember

    Here, here John - well said. x

  • FormerMember

    John have missed all the blogs on the chat room due as you know to being in hospital, but really get the gist of what you have written.  And have to totally agree with everyword you have said, we are one big family and pain is pain regardless of how we are involved with the big "C", and well done you for doing the blog.  As always John your a star, love and hugs Jan xxxx