So Why Me and Other Difficult Questions !!

5 minute read time.

Well here goes again, I am in my usual confused state and not ready to sleep right now. More random thoughts - not so much flowing through my mind but more chasing each other around - bit like a cat and dog fight, plenty of noise but none knows what to do when one of them gets cornered, so the cycle continues - so maybe time to separate them ?

Need to get my thoughts down on paper and see if they are just my insane ramblings or maybe the have some logic and substance to them, still wondering where this will lead !

Sometimes its just the most simple of questions that trigger the deepest thoughts, not sure  how it works for you ? OK so someone new to the site who is now in that dark lonely place so many of us have been in asks the innocent question 'Why Me !' and that should be valid question, especially on here,  but how do you respond when someone is scared and hurting ?

Maybe its a missing gene, a damaged chromosome, a freak of nature or even a question of abusing our bodies at some time in our life, drink, tobacco, lack of exercise - but in most cases we will never know. I should explain that I do not want to hurt or offend anyone - but my concept of God does not include any organised religious group. I do believe we are part of something so much great than us that we may not be able to understand the concept of - so do not believe cancer is a curse visited on for our previous sins.

There does not seem to rhyme or reason in most cases. Maybe the real answer is because it is ! If it was not me it could be someone I love and if has to be anyone - I want it to be me and not them !

Seems odd now but I always wanted to have children - but it never happened, we got close a few times - but again nature seems to know when things are going wrong and steps in - maybe that is the kindest way - but still have mixed feelings about that thought.

But its funny how life maybe deals you the right cards - but you only find out so many years later. Now its almost a sense of relief to not have children to worry about causing pain to when the time comes - think maybe thats the worst aspect of Cancer - we know we will hurt the ones we love the most and desert them, leaving them to cope alone after having causing pain, possibly over a prolonged period.

Still not too clear about what I am trying to say here - maybe I am back on my hobby horse - the real question may not be 'Why Me!'  but 'Why My Carers!' To my mind the worst aspect of cancer is not that some of us are robbed of what should be our golden years - when we reap the rewards of a long working life and sit back to enjoy a hobby or maybe go on that holiday we always promised ourselves. I do understand Cancer is no respecter of age and does strike those who should have their whole life in front of them, to raise their children and enjoy their Grand Children and I am not ignoring them.

But the people who suffer the most are not the Patients - we may suffer temporary pain, sickness and grief - but we are each an individual. In the vast majority of cases there will be several people who suffer as much as us and walk beside us on our journey. Our Partners, maybe Parents, Children, family members and even friends and lovers. The very people we need to protect - but then, when they have walked every step with us, we leave them to the rest of the journey alone.

We leave them to cope alone, in so many cases they see the end as something they may have to live with for ever - OK the Pain does reduce in time - but it hurts to think that because it is now our time we cause them further pain - and cannot be there for them. We all have an alloted time, some get short changed - some enjoy a longer span and I would never begrudge anyone that.

When its my time - Which I am determined is still several years away !! - I do not want tears, Flowers or grief - I need my Friends to celebrate my life - not morn my death - as long as I am in their Memory then I am with them !!

What we need more than anything is for friends to support our carers. Some will be left alone,  on a reduced pension, a single person in a world of couples - and this is the thanks they get them for devoting their lives to us. So no tears for those who have gone, they won't be of help to us by then. But maybe a phone call, an invite for coffee, drop in and see how they are or even just remember them on their Birthday and at Christmas with a Card and few kind thoughts. On the practical side the other thing you could do is when the time is right - see if you can help sort the bits and pieces our for the charity shops - you can more ruthless in the clear out than our carers may be !!

So not quite sure how I managed to end up saying this - pretty sure it was not in my mind when I started ! - Maybe my sub-conscious was just trying reminding me !!!

We can never say Thank You enough to Our Friends and Carers,  So please remember them in your thoughts at night - Bit late now I know but I hope I have prompted one or two of you to ring someone tomorrow, someone that you may of lost touch with or even just make sure they are on the Christmas card list.

You still have time to write that hand written note to go with the card - just tell them you are thinking of them please ?

Love and hugs  to all - but especially the Carers out there !

John xx


  • FormerMember

    Hi John. Just want to send you a big ((((((((((hug))))))))))!! Take care of yourself, see you in chat soon.  Love Caroline XX

  • Hi John,

    I have just typed a reply to this, when i pressed 'add' i lost the lot, it never quite sounds the same second time round but here goes.

    Well said John and very well put, nice to know that not only me has these things running round inside ones head in the small hours of the night, when you find youself tossing and turning waiting for the bedside clock to move another diget towards morning.

    Certainly not the ramblings you imply they might be at the begining, but quite clear and precise thoughts and wishes, and having been a carer on 3 seperate occaisions with cancer patients (family) and many times with friends and work colleuges, and now also while i am in the early weeks/months of being a patient myself, I am also intouch with other friends who are also going through this terrible decease, there is one thing i would like to add, and that is i think we as patients have a duty to our carers and family, is to at least make a 'last will and testerment' as i have found in the past where one has not been made, your loved ones and or carer, lover, spouse, siblings, have the most terrible time sorting out your affairs without you or clear instructions being there to guide them, and in some cases find it a real burden to get what should be rightfully theirs, and have to deal with faceless banks and corporations at a time when all they really should be doing is grieving for their loved ones, and i have known cases when the people who were cared about the most have lost everything, while some distant relitive who never came near ended up with everything, so think on and go and do it.

    Maybe today is a good time to start writing those Christmas cards.

    Take care john,


  • FormerMember

    Hi John, so well said I think those are the exact same feelings my husband had all along his illness worried of leaving his 3 small children and wife all alone to face this horrible life without him I cared for him and would have carried doing so for ever since he was all my life and much more yes I do have children but its so hard just as you say having to make all of the decisions by myself not knowing if it was what he would have done and if I would have had his blessing for the things I'm now having to do.  I was his carer and I know that cancer is such an awful pain and all he had to go through in his illness nothing compares to that but living life without him is a life sentence for me.  As you say loved ones, family and friends just carry on with their lifes since they get to have their lifes as normal whilst for my children and me life is not worth anything without him how cruel can all this be I miss him so much yes "why me" all I can do now is remember him everyday for his memory not to be forgotten he left a big hole in our lifes for him to be forgotten birthdays are just awful can't even imagine how xmas will be sorry if I'm not cheering u up, but will like to say that having been a carer u the patient deserve all the praise in the world please take care and do write those letters since I wish my husband would have written them 2 big hugs and hope my post has not been to upsetting but also needed to write some things to get off my chest my love to u and all patients and carers out there  xx tuatara

  • FormerMember

    HI Johnx

    What an insightful post! People such as you are a rare commodity in this world we live in...the compassion to care about others in the face of your own adversity is a remarkable trait indeed. You are a very special person.

    I know that night time brings many jumbled thoughts to mind, some which play on our minds for too long, others which are pushed out as soon as they surface, and the night can be a lonely place.You help so many people on here witha few careful words, and I for one want to thank youxx

    My mum shared your opinion, she was far more concerned for those she was leaving here than for her own journey, and when she learnt of her terminal diagnosis, one of he few times she cried was when expressing her concern about our suffering!! She was a very special lady, and your post reminds me that we each need to remember that we are not in this alonexx

    Thank you John, and may your nights be filled with restfulnessxx

    with love, Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    hi John, what an amazing post, and what a special person you are. I hope it helped, putting all that down in words.

    In many ways you are like my dear step-dad, who, when asked By his Mac nurse as his illness reached the terminal stage, if there was anything worrying him replied 'my wife - I don't like to see her struggling'. It was the only time he got upset, and he never complained. His name was John too. And he would be sad to see how few visitors/phone calls, etc Mum has now that he's gone. She is the person from your blog: "left alone,  on a reduced pension, a single person in a world of couples" - and while my sister and me do our best, it's not the same.

    Love and big hugs to you and yours, Val XX