Prostate Cancer - Treatment Decision Time !

7 minute read time.

Short Intro : I know a fair number of Members of the Mac Family have been affected by Prostate Cancer - either themselves, a loved one or a partner. I am also conscious we Guy are a bit reluctant to post blogs on this subject. I hope some of you gain some knowledge of possible treatments  and maybe even prompt you to talk to the consultants about alternatives. Personally I was told mine was locally advanced ( inoperable ), Chemo was ineffective against PC and it was too wide spread to benefit from Radio Therapy - But treatments do advance so maybe never be afraid to ask !
As some of you will know from my two previous blogs I got some news recently that came as a bit of a shock to be honest. Did have a bit of a wobble but back on course now.
Quick update - my treatment is confined to hormone injections every 3 months to control my Testosterone Production - the cancer needs this to develop and spread. Been on this since October 2008. My progress is monitored by blood tests that I take about 2 weeks prior to my 3 monthly appointment with the Consultant Urology Surgeon who operated on me,  who I both respect and have every confidence in.
The blood test is checked for PSA level -  which is an indicator of cancer activity. Over the last 2 years this has gradually risen from 1 to 2.7 but last 3 monthly level it jumped to 4.1. The actual level is not too significant or important. The major factor is the rate of change. My consultant explained that it was an indication my treatment was failing or becoming less effective - with an expected future doubling every 6 months which was a bit scary - ok very scary. In his option I would need to really start worrying about it in 18 months if this trend continued. He suggested now was the time to start looking at alternative treatment, so he arranged for me to get an appointment with a Consultant Oncologist from Christies in Manchester.
The problem I was going to have at some vague time in the future was now knocking on my door. It had originally been suggested my treatment would probably manage the situation for about 5 years, it had only been 2 - felt like someone had just stolen 3 years of my life ! I do realise so many guides can only ever be 'Best Guess' so not complaining about the accuracy.
I did think I was ok - maybe the timing had accelerated a bit - but always knew it was inoperable and would spread one day. Came home - spoke to my Wife, and a couple of my closest friends on the Mac Site but in reality sat back a bit and decided to make the best of what I had been given - still had time to achieve some targets so a bit resigned to my fate - maybe the word I mean is complacent !
Bit selfish I know, I was thinking of myself and not really looking at the wider picture or even considering my family or some of my friends. Wrote a blog the same night and posted it - far too early for me have even sorted my mind out properly or considered some of the implications.

Was given a couple of stern lectures from my Mac friends and realised there was so much more I could do to improve my chances - fitness, Diet and life style so took some control back and renewed my positive attitude. I arranged further tests to confirm trend as last results were from October sample. The results were great - still a rise but very marginal and far from showing the doubling trend.  Know I cannot beat it  but hell will give it a run for its money ! Most of these positive actions I have put in place - still need to take more exercise - my excuse is still the weather - but may not get away with that for much longer though !

Had my Onc appointment on Monday 14th Feb - romantic huh ? The Appointment was at The Royal Oldham hospital - as was my operation and all the urology consultant appointments - so know it quite well.

They have opened a new facility here, March 2010 - Christie's at Oldham - staffed and run by Christie's Staff.  It boasts the latest equipment in  Europe, they have 2 machines and can treat up to 40 patients a day  with RadioTherapy.

The Onc was excellent - went in 15 minutes early and had a full undisturbed hour.  We explored every aspect of my current status, treatment and situation. We discussed aspects of family history - My Mother Died of Breast Cancer and my Youngest Sister had 2 brain Tumours - or maybe the one that re-occurred after 10 years ?

She explained the normal next step was to continue my existing hormone treatment but to add in further hormones in the hope that any resistant stray cells may be caught by the new one.  I wonder if I will get the hot flushed and night sweats again ! - do have so much sympathy for some of you ladies ! Been there got the tee shirt but had to take it off - was too hot !

We discussed various trials and would I be suitable for them - the most suitable had just been closed but others will probably come along.  I would be excluded from some because of my heart attack. I am at the stage were further treatment needs to be considered but not too urgently implemented.  My latest scans - July and October 2010 showed no evidence of further tumours - the affected lymph glands were removed October 2008 but the PSA increase shows that the cancer is growing and spreading somewhere within my system.

She said it was not the usual treatment but she would be prepared to suggest a course of Radio Therapy - 16 Sessions Monday to Friday for just over 3 weeks. Her thoughts were the most likely source of the rouge cells could be the Prostate - as it was not removed originally. If they were from the Prostate then this would eradicate them and maybe give me a few more months  or possibly years. If the Prostate was not the source then at least we would of eliminated this from any future equations.

We spent a good while discussing the possible side effects and the various chances of each particular side effect being experienced, some almost certain to some maybe a chance in 100 - 200. I did understand what she was saying - no matter how low the chance of serious side effects there was no way of predicting who would be affected or how seriously and it is something they need to make sure we are aware of.

The more common side effects are more irritations than being life threatening, an urgency to pass urine, loose motions and fatigue. The first two, if need be, can helped with medication and the latter, take time out to rest. The other thing is to take good care of the skin at the treatment location, to use aqueous based creams and pat dry after baths rather than vigorous rubbing and generally just treat it as being more sensitive. Hell sound like I get to be pampered after 60 odd years !!.

Most side effects, if they are experienced at all, kick in during  the second week of treatment and may persist for a few weeks after treatment finishes. There are slight possibilities of more serious side effects in a very low number of cases, but then there are risks in all aspects of life.

Each patient has to weigh up the risks and benefits to themselves - bearing mind neither are guaranteed but are based on the experience of very professional teams who do not invest time, energy and funds in treatments they do not believe worthwhile. I was asked to consider this option and to let the Consultants Secretary know in the next few days.

What is easier to guarantee, with far more accuracy,  is the side effects of not taking action and in most cases these side effects tend to be pretty permanent in time.

Never was too good at building up suspense - lol, Most of you will have guessed that I am choosing the Radio Therapy, with the help of support from my friends.  I have rung the Onc's Secretary this morning and asked her to get the ball rolling on the treatment.

Next stage is a specialised CT type scan of the Prostate to get a clear picture of its shape, size and location to enable a detailed plan of treatment to be prepared and to ensure it causes as little damage as possible to healthy tissue. During this scan they do use skin pens to mark areas out - this is a temporary ink.

To ensure consistent accurate alignment  during the treatment sessions they prick through the skin to leave permanent reference points - in effect a tattoo. Wonder if I dropped them a few quid if they could do a butterfly while they are at it - just a random thought.

So will keep you updated as to how treatment progresses, will still be a few weeks before anything happens.

Hope you all stay Positive, Strong and Happy

J xx

