Progress Report and Sorry from John

2 minute read time.

Hi Guys - not really sure why I am writing this - but want to share some good news and explain why I have been a bit distracted latley.

Wont bother you with the really long version - this one is long enough. 2 months ago after putting up with some abdomin and chest pains for a while went to see my GP - Knew the pains were not heart related - been there - by co-incidence the Sunday prior to seeing him on the Monday I found out I was only being prescribed  1/3 of the correct dose of hormones to control my Cancer for the last 12 months - got that sorted.

Result - 2 min examination  - DX ? looks like the cancer has spread to the bones. I organised a Bone scan through my Consultant, also some blood tests and a kidney scan  - these were all rushed through and everything clear - result !!

Month later went back to see GP - pains getting worse - take that many other tablests - don't use painkillers if I can avoid it. 10 min exam this time - DX ?Looks like it might be your liver thats affected - lets get a CT organised - had the scan 10 days ago but no apointment to discuss results.

Friday went back for my normal 3 monthly cancer check up - like all consultans you get about 5 mins - all bloods great - asks me about pain - mention the CT Scan which had been organised at a different hospital and different consultant.

The Consultant  then checked all my records and accessed the scan results from the other Hospital and spent 25 mins going through every thing  and all is clear - but arranged a further ultra sound scan of the liver to confirm it. So came away full of the joys of spring and feeling a weight had been lifted.

OK Thats the Progress Report - now the sorry bit ! - Know some of you guys picked up I was a ittle distracted and not quite 100% recently - I did share some of this with a friend on here - so not completely unsupported - thanks mate - just did not want to share my concerns generally untill after all the tests came back, no point raising false worries - but ta for your concerns - back to being my normal annoying self now !!

The chest and other pains ? - going to manage them - they are easier to put up with than some of DX's !! - lol

love and hugs to all - life can be great with the right friends !!

John xx

  • FormerMember

    I'm so pleased for you John,

    Truly A Friend

    Someone to lean on when problems appear,

    Someone on whom you’d depend,

    Someone who’ll lift you when you’re down in the dumps,

    That someone is truly a friend.

    That’s how I feel about you my dear friend;

    You’re so special just as you are.

    Just to know that you’re there provides comfort to spare;

    A friendship like yours sets the bar.

    By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

    Take Care mate, you are always there for me and i'll always be here for you.

    Fab news though mate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Oh dear, John, you must have been under a great strain with all the uncertainty. So fab news, John, but next time please share your worries with your Mac friends, because WE UNDERSTAND.

    Best wishes,


  • FormerMember

    Ok Guys - Enough !! - Thanks to all for their beautiful thoughts and kind words - it really does brighten the day to know people care - One and all take care

    Love and Hugs

    John xx

  • FormerMember


    So pleased for your mate, you can rest easier now and keep on fighting the PCa beast.

    You know I'm always ready to listen to and help a fellow PCa sufferer and sorry for my lapse of concentration in months ago.

    All the very best John, onwards and upwards ( well you know what i mean !!! )
