Not Sure Maybe I am Just Selfish ?

4 minute read time.

Well those that know me will  know it does not take a lot to get me confused, maybe a glass of wine and a thought that I cannot get out of my head, the thought is usually in the the small hours of the morning when I am trying to get back to sleep. The wine is usually a good bit earlier than that !
OK first point I do not think for one second that any one child's life is worth more or less than another based purely on lifes lottery as to where they were born.
Yesterday it was announced that we would donate £814,000,000 toward providing vaccines in 3rd world countries with the intention of reducing the current death rates, the rate quoted was 3 children dying every minute and this is in the 21st century !! No one should denie these children the chance of life on moral or humanitarian grounds, we cannot stand by and do nothing.
Then the other thoughts creep in. Every time we turn on the TV or open a news paper we learn of the next world disaster, another 3 children dying every minute due to the lack of clean drinking water, 10 million people at risk of starvation because of drought and famine.
This is coupled with major disasters that seem to be happening with ever greater regularity, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and land slips. I am not here trying to beat the drum about global warming but it does look like something is upsetting the balance of earths eco-system. Each disaster is accompanied by requests for funds to help with its relief and each is a deserving cause.
The figure of £814,000,000 was a contribution to a world wide target of 2.34 billion - by my reckoning Britain pledged 1/3 of the total. OK maybe controversial but we are no longer a world leading power and it seems out of proportion in the current economic climate. We are almost bankrupt as a country but we seem to be able to find funds for munitions to fight wars and make charitable donations to other nations while ignoring the plight of thousands living in poverty in this country
The other side of the coin, open any newspaper or listen to any local TV news program and you hear of the latest person being denied life saving or life extending drugs because of the cost.
The child who has to raise hundreds of thousands themselves to travel abroad because we do not do the procedure here, nor do we provide them with the funding
The care homes group that have to shed hundreds of jobs, we then get assurances that this will not impact on patient services, still trying to work that one out to be honest !!!

Ok Got to declare an interest  on this one, hope no one minds the language but really peed off with the number of posts I read about cancer patients being denied benefit or have to prove that they deserve benefit because they are not fit to work - seems the work shy know how to manipulate the system while the genuine peopel who want nothing more than to return to work are called for examination to get the absolute basic benefits
Maybe some of you will consider me as being callous but unable to find a balancing point between cost and benefit. We have pledged to spend £814,000,000 on vaccine, if we save the lives of 3 children a minute that equates to 1,580,000 lives a year if the project lasts for 3 years that is 4,750,000 children. I am probably being naive but does this not further increase the demand for clean drinking water and further diminish the available food supplies. I know I am being simplistic with the maths.
Do we move on and try to lead the way in solving the water, the drought and the famine problems of the world, do we turn our backs and ignore the pain and suffering, A child born in a remote village on the African Continent is no less worthy of life than a child born in Britain, who is fighting for funding to fight cancer or other life shortening or crippling disease but how do we find the balance.
Lets not loose sight of maybe the most fundamental point that tends to be ignored. No elected Government have any money or funds of their own, what they have is access to our taxes and levies, raised from individuals and companies,  they administer and allocate these in our names. We elect them and trust them to make the best possible decisions and commit us to certain paths of action. But there are times when their judgement is more than suspect, it  is fundamentally wrong !
This will sound blunt but charity really should start at home, the donations we make abroad should be made from funds that are surplice to the basic care, health and welfare of the citizens who have contributed them. Not suggesting we should all expect to live in luxury or have unlimited access to welfare payments.
What we should not need to hear on the evening news is that some pensioners are now having to make a conscious choice to eat or to have heating, as they can't afford both. At the same time that we hear that Bankers are paying  themselves multi  million pound bonus's. We need to get a sense of proportion and reality in this country before we try to save the world.
OK Rant over and not suggesting I have any answers
Love and hugs To all XXX

  • FormerMember

    hi John,

    I'm another one that agrees completely with your thoughts.  When we can't finance  our own country properly, (for anything) how can we afford to send money abroad, for anything..... surely the people that pay the taxes should get first priority on how the money is spent.

    love n hugs


  • FormerMember

    Hi John,

    If theres is any topic that gets me angry its this one. I back

    you 100% in what you say and Im sick sore and tired about how generous we are giving all this money to foreign countries for the poor children who are dying daily.

    No Im not hard hearted, but yes Im realistic what about our own poor children,that are dying daily for lack of funds the Government wont provide for the medication that could help prolong and save lives. But thats different ISNT It. I dont think so.


  • FormerMember

    Well looked like I touched a nerve this time, thank you for your overwhelming support.

    You are ok not going off on another long blog honest. I think sometime we, the british, take having a stiff upper lip a bit too serious. We are prepared to form an orderly queue, wait our turn and just too ready to accept decisons that we know are fundermantally wrong and unfair.

    Something tries to be imposed in some countries, France, Greece etc, if they do not like it they take to the streets, protest, rebel and get decisons reversed. Amazing how a bit of Civil disobedience and rebelion works sometimes.

    Not sure maybe I was a bit of a coward in how I couched the blog, seething inside but worried about offending the sensebilities of the more moderate members here.

    Do need to make a couple of fundamental points that I missed. I am so pleased that no one has suggested it was raciallly motivated. I assure you its not !!!  

    I am not the least concerned about the ethnic or religious  calling of the Citizens of the UK who need funding, just want them to be given a priority.

    Non of this is self motivated honest, mine is inoperable so not looking for funding But I am in a good place, have fantastic friends and know I will always have enough to eat - ok no more hols, more month at the end of the money but better than so many.  I have lived a good life, still have some time - think of the Kids in this Country now !!

    I agree with the comment that we should not be spending millions on munitions to 'Win the hearts and Minds' of ethnic minorities and we could save so many innocent lives by bringing our troops home. Only point of slight disagrement is this should still be spent here until we solve our own basic welfare, treatment and research needs.

    Maybe my cynical side, but is it only the oil rich nations we need to save or is that a coincidence ??

    Not sure I can find the words and maybe I do not have the facts to back this statement, Cancer hurts, even kills but does not cause as much pain as being told 'You do not deserve to live, we will not fund research or treatment, the fact you crap and pee in a bag, can only walk 50 metres and cannot have surgery for crippling ailments does not mean you can't work' - The worlds gone Mad  But then the Lunatics are running the Asylum

    Love and Hugs Guys, and Thank You for your contributions xx

  • FormerMember


    You took the words right out of my mouth. I cant say any more on the subject as it'll turn into my own mini-rant but just know I agree wholeheartedly!

    Love, C xx

  • FormerMember

    My Mum slipped through the net too and was badly let down by the system, even though the cancer had come back twice in both breasts she was just taken off her medication with no checkups or followup, three months later she had a terrible fall down a pothole in a road, blacked both her eyes, her head and face black and blue, injured her spine, leg and hip - within three months she was dead.  The GP and oncologists took ages to refer and test respectively - she died in the middle of the tests, before she had had a chance at chemo.  I feel they certainly let her down, they said the fall was nothing to do with the return of the aggressive secondaries.  How could such a bad fall not be something to do with it?  She was a British national, born in India,  not only that,  she had been an NHS GP, serving that institution loyally for over twenty-five years and refusing to do private medicine because she felt it was unethical and would short change the poor and needy - and that 's how she got treated in the end. In her case, the relevant research and funding probably had been done but it was not felt to be relevant to let her access it.   I feel she certainly slipped through the net.  I was also horrified at the cavalier attitude the hospital had towards her too.  If this can be improved and made better for others, that can only be a good thing, although it may not be too late for  others,  I am sad it is too late for her.  Those who serve deserve better.