Life, The Universe and Big Mac's !

4 minute read time.

My Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer and Radio Therapy Journey
Well these Fridays seem to be coming around fast, time for a glass of wine and some more deep thinking !
Well I have been sat here for an hour on my own and pondering, along with all the Nobel Prize winners, some of the mysteries of the Universe, You know the thing - Einstein  e = mc squared. How did the Universe come into Existence, what existed before the Universe, Is there a God and if so what is She like ??
Thought I would start with the easy ones though - bit cerebral for me some of those other ones until after the second glass of Vino - could be a new prize for beginners - Maybe the No Ball Prize Winners ?
Ok how about : How does the Snow Plough Driver get to work when its snowing ? Why, if you drop a slice of buttered bread does it always lands butter side down ?  If Big Mac's are really 100% beef why do they taste so crap ? Still even this level is a bit challenging to me at times and still searching for solutions !!
OK the real imponderable - Why did I get  Cancer ? A bit like the other very techie questions  above - because I did,  The good news is it was me and not someone I loved - now that would of been bad and even the question would of hurt !
So I have Cancer - not the end of the world - err maybe a need to rethink that phrase in the future ! - but not right now ! Mine is not too aggressive, OK its classed as inoperable - must look that up some time but not sure I really want to google it.
Now Google That is Bloody Scary !! - did one of these on line Dx as to my Condition, fed in the symptoms, current medication and proposed treatment - did not tell me what the problem was but gave me a list of funeral Directors, with an option to print out and a discount if I could book by June !!
Think I might of got confused and been transfered to a holiday site, you know how easy its is to click on those pop-up adverts  !! Do remember it said all inclusive and a free bar - so you know me, I  was ready to book it there and then !!
Real Answer, again I don't know and neither do the Docs.  That is the real worrying aspect !! There are various treatments available, Surgery, Chemo, Hormones and  Radio Therapy. New theories and 'New Cancer Drug Break Through' headlines each week in the National Press and even Scientific Papers published. It seems each Specialist has their own theory and treatment regime, with different Specialists use different treatments for the same Ca Type - does seem a bit hit and miss at times.
Maybe I am a cynic - but serious I hope not - my theory is you cannot find a cure until you understand the causes ! OK a very naive statement on the face of it coming up - stop looking for solutions just now, you are only guessing !! Find the cause and work forward from there ! 
I know thats an over simplification, but no point putting a plaster on a heart attack victim - don't care how fantastic the plaster is or even that a single treatment can cost £2,000. The worst possible outcome, the first heart attack patient recovers and they all end up with 'Super Plasters' on their chest as the treatment of choice !
I realise I am going off on one - not for the first time I know !! The real approach is from both directions, pure clinical research like Geno chain examination, stem cell research together with clinical drug & treatment trials - one day the paths will meet with luck !! - Something we all need at some time.
Think I did almost manage to solve the question of why me, bit like the last line above - its down to luck ! - but does need thinking about - the alternative question is Why not me ?
Talking of Luck - anyone superstitious out there ? - Its Friday and I just had My 13th RT session - lol. All going well, 3 more, then fully baked !!
Most of the side effects seem to be transient, clearing for a few days then returning. Non are too bad and really not much more than a bit of discomfort, still not having to take any meds for them but have switched to low fibre diet which has helped a lot.

Will give a proper update next week when the RT treatment finishes
Love and Hugs to All
J xx


  • FormerMember

    so funny im so glad you made that perfectly clear because i was always brought up to hear if youre ill a wee brandy is the best thing lol for every ailment ........just popping out for a wee bottle right now looooooooooooooool xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember


    Hope you're well enough to enjoy the lovely weather!  About the why me? bit of your blog comment, some people think, we've chosen to learn that lesson, not that anyone would choose the experience of cancer but  a few days ago, I went to a meditation class at my local cancer support centre and the teacher had something to say about it being part of your life path.  I wondered if she was serious but she seemed to be.  Certainly food for thought.  your comments are often very cheery and supportive to me.  Just wanted to say thanks as well.  Take care, love Perse.