I am in Great Place !!

3 minute read time.

Always try to be PC But this is pushing it

Well sorry guys but that means I may go on for a while, not posted for a while so will use this as an update to my blog. Very Brief update, locally advanced prostate Cancer, on hormone treatment and stable - you need more details read my Bio !

Well life can be a bit sneaky - posted my last update October 2010 - saying how well the treatment was working, about the same time had a blood test to monitor progress but due to Xmas hols and consultant being away did not get these results until Jan 2011, bit shocked,  results showed cancer was spreading and active again, the hormone treatment was loosing its effectiveness. Results indicated a doubling of activity every 6 months.

Put on a brave front and even convinced myself I had come to terms with it - had 18 months before it became critical. Took about 2 days for the penny to drop and then I had a real wobble !

The results were 3 months out of date, so demanded - yes demanded, an emergency appointment with my  GP for Blood tests - PSA and Testosterone - both indicators of activity - ( treatment meant I had been chemically castrated - so testosterone should of been very low ) Sods Law - GP on holidays - saw Locum, some resistance but agreed to blood tests and even mark as urgent - this was Tuesday got my results on Thursday - so maybe the rant worked - or just a concerned locum either way - good result - PSA raised - but no sign of a doubling , testosterone on the higher edge of the control level - so managed to calm down - lol.

The meeting with my Urology Consultant in January lead to an appointment with an Onc from Christies at Oldham in March and after discussions agreed that the next phase of treatment was RT to the prostate, had not been removed during surgery as cancer had already spread to lymph system, so extra surgery not justified as effective, I was aware that this was possible prior to surgery. It was not thought this was the most likely source of rogue cells. Had 16 sessions, one each week day for 3 weeks- lol weekends off !! - OK painless - but some side effects by second week, bladder and bowel function, some sensitivity to back side and ended up smoother in my pubic are than any waxing - lol !! Side effects for about 2 weeks after treatment finished but improved every day. Never what could be considered painful, but irritating. Maybe the worst side effect was fatigue also for some reason lack of concentration. Some would expect that as they think guys brains are in groin area so no ribald comments please !!

8 days after treatment finished, about 28 days after the first one, had a blood test, told not to bother as results would not show any effects - but PSA had halved !!

Today went for 3 month update and Blood test results - fantastic, more that halved again now down to 0.9 which is nothing !! Told to expect a further lowering and maybe reduce the hormone treatment soon - next update will be with Onc at Christies and review the hormone treatment, suggestion is 3 months on 3 months off to let my body recover - but in such a good place this weekend and want to share !!

During this time time I have had unwavering support from  Mac Mates, there with advice, there with suggestions, there with a gentle hug - there with a kick up the backside - They just knew which was required and when  - could not of completed this journey alone - Thanks to all You Guys xx

Love and Hugs to all - When life is good its good !! xxx

J xx


