Random act of kindness

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Random act of kindness

Today is Random act of kindness day! But what is a random act of kindness?

It is an unexpected act of helpfulness often by a stranger to spread joy and happiness into the world without any personal gain. Grinning

Has anyone ever offered you a random act of kindness or have you shown kindness to someone recently? Tell us about this in the comment box below, we love hearing your stories. 

Doing something nice for someone doesn't cost a lot of time or money. It's the small meaningful things in life that can make a big difference. Here are a few other suggestions for random acts of kindness:

  • Call a friend that you haven’t spoken to for a while
  • Send flowers to a friend
  • Offer to pick up some groceries for someone
  • Send someone a message that will make them smile
  • Offer to babysit for a friend
  • Walk your friend’s dog
  • Tell your family members how much you love and appreciate them
  • Make someone laugh
  • Offer to cook for a friend or family member
  • Help with a household chore at home or for a friend

Random act of kindness on the Online Community

 Maybe you could show a random act of kindness and show your support to another member in our forums. You could reply to a random post in your group or use the reaction icons to send a virtual hug. Green heart
